Happy Birthday to ME

Note to Self: One year older. Please be one year wiser. Happy 23rd!


Anonymous said...

"Think before you say" and ... please be one year wiser. well, be more confident estee. Believe in yourself, stay focus and you will achieve your dream man... so what's your birthday goal, and long term goal? Good to have some thoughts.

Have a wise new ahead. Happy birthday! =)

Anonymous said...

* Have a wise new year ahead. Happy birthday! =)

eStee said...

Goal is to.. not get hep A or B and... also not to be scared of injections :)

chillycraps said...

happy birthday to the chio bu!!

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to you, Estee.
And many pings, pongs and "wow" days ahead! ;-)

DK said...

I thought you forever 21?

Happy 21th birthday!! :D

Unknown said...

yes yes my 3rd 21st birthday. I'm forever 21 :) YAY! Thank you all! :)

Brian said...

ok, no wonder u went for a medicial appt yesterday... hmm...

eStee said...

Yup I went for blood test cuz there was a scare. I thought I had hepatitis when the the nurse called me up... she had not drawn out enough blood from my earlier test. I thought she had called to break the bad news.! EEKS!

Details: said...

Happy birthday.

Travel Search said...

Happy birthday :)

Unknown said...

Thanks guys! Love ya!

Ming Yeow said...

happpppyyyy bdaaayyy to you!!!

Saw you just now @ business, thought I would just drop by your blog to say hi. ;)

WeeKee said...

abit late though...happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

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