There really isn't any hard and fast rule. But if you don't take yourself that seriously and love to have a good laugh (some times even a yourself), soon you'll just find that you might just get great readership.
Alternatively, just be ECL (Eastcoastlife) and be hottest mummy blogger and blog about zips and penises. Those work as well... Your blog, you decide! :)
Just have any raunchy title that has words which eludes sexual connotations and innuendos, and then surprise readers with a mediocre article that is absolutely uncontroversial and long-winded.
That should do the trick. :-D
Brennan, your method can only receive pulse signal, can't get lasting steady-state ones. Many ppl complaining I use misleading titles liao. =P
ECL's account of the incident really has solid substance. (I don't mean the sausage in question)
Estee, you are right.
I'm baffled how come my chinchay written post can be blown out of proportion.
chillycraps, thanks. muaaack! hehe...
haiyah ECL tooooo popular and hooottt.. mensa summore leh! Dun play play...
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