I've been very inspired by new found friend -- let's call her A. And her boyfriend, B.
B used to live in US, until he fell in love, after which he moved to Singapore to be with A. B first met A when he chanced upon her blog when in US. He fell in love with the passion at which she blogged and emailed her. They soon started to liaise via MSN and soon, he found it within himself to fly down to visit her. I don't think A totally liked B then, since it could have been pretty dubious talking to someone online (Hell, he could be a 60 yr old fart right?) During that time when B visited, they fell in love and A flew to USA several times to visit.
B has since moved to Singapore and both of them are living together now. (I asked her when they were getting married but I think they are waiting for both of them to chalk up a steady income first. Watching them together makes me rethink -- Maybe there really still are real life fairytales. Maybe, just maybe somewhere, somehow, fairytales do exist -- A & B are testament to that...
But then I soon hear this small voice at the back of my mind, asking me to wake up my idea. I don't care, I guess -- I have every right to blog about my make belief perfect life...
Why is it that marriages of yestergeneration always last? It seems that our parents get along, you rarely hear of people breaking up -- families seem to be more complete. It seems everywhere I look now, people are undergoing divorces, breaking up, cheating on one another. Am I just old school, doesn't anyone care about keeping together anymore?
And i'm not talking about a perfect marriage. Of course fights are inevitable... I just mean staying together.
I just came back from J's 22nd birthday party, lo and behold, nice huge house, complete family with 3 sons. He has a father with his own company that he has built from his own bare hands, and just listed on Singapore stock exchange. What more can someone ask for right? Then J tells me his dad is cheating on his mother. For the 2nd time around. Only he knows, he's confronted his dad -- but to no avail...
When I heard this, I cried deep down inside. I felt sorry for all the women married to rich men, who didnt know that they were being made a fool of. So what if you could be bought anything you wanted when you cant even keep your own man..
Maybe its overgeneralization, but rich men can never stay committed. But I don't cpmpletely blame them. It also is the fault of women who willingly break up other people's families.
I look at my parents. They're not the richest people on the earth, we get by, more than comfortably. We live in a nice executive HDB and rent out 2 of our other houses. My parent both work, my sister studies overseas (scholar) while I school at NUS. We're your very average family, we go shopping on weekends, eat simple dinners out on weekdays.
We are happy, er are very happy. My parents share a special relationship, they argue & fight once a while but they are sooo sweet.
I recently met ZhangYang who told me his mom woke up at 430 to prepare breakfast for his dad every morning, and slept when he did at 930PM. Then Ming told me his parents so for holidays together. My parents go cut their hair together and Shimei's parents go to botanical gardens with their dogs every morning for dog walks. I can think of so many instances older couple show affection for each other and this doesn't mean buying expensive gifts -- it truly is the little things.
Junkang just told me he's met people a couple of years younger that have midsets so liberal it makes people like him so old school. But what's wrong being old school? Is it now unrealistic to want something that lasts more than a mere flight of fancy?
Everytime I get jaded I just look into my parents' room. -- A old satisfied couple, happy, just sleeping side by side, confident that their love will last a lifetime and beyond...

How I wish I could paste myself in a still photo... live like that forever...
hi I came to visit when I saw your blog title... thought maybe it'd be somehow related to my blog theme "highway of life". Anyways, nice post and happy for you for such a wonderful family :)
HEY! thanks for stopping by - come by more often! :)
Happen to chance by your blog and I guess the only reason why I'm messaging you is because of what you wrote on the Twitter board.
"I want my parents to have a good life when they retire. That's my only goal."
Its rare that I'm able to come across young people with such values. I'm proud of you :)
Keef: Thanks for stopping by. Well, but I do want my parents to lead a good life. They have slogged so hard for way too long, it's time I took over the hard work. My parents are awesome! I love them!
Good moral values, understanding, hardworking and cute. What more can parents ask for?
I wish you all the best :)
You are really very very affectionate towards your family.... Im very proud of u estee.... Let this love blossom and you guys stay together happy forever....I always find a paradox.... Girls who are so close to their family tend not to be as successful in their relationship....Is that the case with you too? I personally feel that way since I have experienced it first hand... Lets stay in touch.
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