Alvin proposed to me. He has been proposing since super long ago. I know -- I have only known him for like... hmm less than 1 year. It's insane. The BEST/WORST thing is that...
He has given me a 7 carat ring!
Best thing: Waaahhh diamond, I LIKE!
Worst thing: Cannot go ROM and get married just for diamond right?
This is the pic of the ring he sent me -- Through Gmail. How very sincere.... :S
p/s: This post is just done in jest. He's a super good friend la -- one my my good buddies! Good luck to Alvin for launch of Exoro on the 7th July! May you IPO soon and give half your property to me! :) You are an inspiring entrepreneur! :)
wahhaahahahhaha this is very good! :)
What's a 'Lord of (Carrot) the Ring' he give you ! You should feel happy that he provides you with carrot for rest of your life.
Where to buy the carrots? Got discounts?? hahaha
Think now I am bugs bunny queen! :)
Maybe a better way is through
Hehe... yah is better medium! :) hehe
For a moment, the wedding thing made the Digital Terrorist skip a heart beat...
... while I find the blue carrots unearthly though. Mutated carrots from China?
Heard of a 20 yrs old guy who got married by putting his phone up in the internet for a life time partner.
Maybe some pingsters volunteer to put their phones up. So ECL had more exciting stories to tell?
Hey, he bothered photoshopping a 7-carrot ring for you. That takes effort!
Don't marry him though.
Hahah the things to do to get married :) what is the world coming to?
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