It's funny how you can know a (childhood) friend for most of your life - 20 odd years in all, yet find that you never really "really" knew them.
Kenneth and I grew up together - our parents worshiped in the same church, we played in the same playground, ate Sunday breakfasts together, sang church songs and went for church camps together. As kids, you never get to really know another kid, you never get to have in depth conversations or get to understand who that person is within.
That was Kenneth and I. Childhood friends, yet strangers within.
We only saw each other whenever he flew back from New York during the summer holidays. Even when I was at Upenn for 2 years, and New York City was so near, I never really made time to visit him... for some weird reason. But God has been merciful to allow our paths to cross continually, over and over again.
So just this past fortnight, I've spent so much more time with him that ever before and gotten to know his friends and more of him as a person. I always joke about knowing him since he was a "sperm" (since we go waaaaaay back), but really, how much do I know of this stranger.... this stranger who has been there forever, this apparition, this figment, this mirage. Then again, does duration of a friendship demark its depth? I think not...
This is a tribute to Kenneth my childhood friend.. I have finally come to understand you more as a friend - thank you for allowing me to have a glimpse into that world of yours. Cheers, my brother, have a safe trip back to NYU.
Until we meet again...
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