It was an awesome time catching up with family and friends. And what more, a noble cause!
Here are snippets of the event!
So it's all for a good cause! Hurrah to a successful event. It's events like this where I get to meet up with my my girlfriends. It was just awesome catching up with them - old friends, sitting over a good sangria, having the time of our lives.. It was also awesome introducing my guy friends to the rest of my buddies, and everyone got along so well!!! :)
I haven't had a lot of fun in such a long time... Cheers to a well done Pink Charity Party!
RGS, hmmm...
I didn't realize it was for Singapore Children's Society. My Dad used to be involved with them as well...I just can't remember if he still is...
Looks fun, was for a great cause and you my darling, looked absolutely smoking hot!
henry: it was awesome
sicarii: u dun like rgs girls? :(
dawn: u should have been there - it woud have been - awesomemer- :) haha
hehe, Estee, our alma maters share the same first name, only difference is that mine is all-boys, yours all-girls.
I was from the Class of '86, damn long ago. :)
sicarii: Auspicium Melioris Aevi :)
hahaha! Filiae Melioris Aevi to you.
sicarii: indeed daughters of a better age!
Nice party for a nice cause ...
God bless Wiki so that I dont ask stupid questions about latin:
ExchangeMBAs in learning and stupids at heart
IVLE lies before us,
Here's luck to the BMA5108.
By the way "Killerius Pinkulius Dressus" you were wearing!
PD: ExchangeMBAs in learning and stupids at heart
IVLE lies before us,
Here's luck to the BMA5108.
I abso-freaking-lutely love this! I can actually sing it in tune...!!! Man... ur creative! See you in the evening! :)
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