She only turns away, oblivious & ignorant
He was smitten the moment their eyes met
Tarry a while boy, haven't you learnt?
Falling too hard might get you burnt
She seems to have seen you but not noticed,
She seems to look through you but not at
There's something about you that she's missed
But I see all that you stand for, the good and the bad
& I, well... I can always make you smile..
He walks behind her, tip toed, tongue tied
She struts on, not once notices his presence
Haven't you been hurt before, boy
Are you going to fall for the same ploy?
She looks past you but not at you
She looks for him, not for you
All that you can give she just overlooks
But I see beyond those school books
& I, well... I can always make you smile..
He peeps from the corner, enamoured by her smile
She walks past, nose in the air - unaware
Haven't you been here, ain't it familiar?
Isn't this all a bit too peculiar
She looks around you but not at you
She look at him, not for you
All that you offer she never sees
But I know you far beyond your 3-D
& I, well... I can always make you smile..
He sends her flowers, teddy bears and cards
But these are everyday occurances to her
You're chasing so hard, unafraid to fall
But little do you know you've already fallen
She looks at you, doesn't register
She looks at you, doesn't matter
All your lovin' she won't appreciate
All you care she'll obliterate
But I'll still stand here just for a while
Just in case you need someone who'll make you smile...
Written by 9eek9oddess
12th August 2007
my dear, please don't say this one is for me as well????
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