I walk down the sandy beach - foot prints on the sand
I walk alone, no one to hold my hand
I lie down on the golden beach - sand adorn my body
The swash and the backwash, whispering softly to me
Waves crash at my tired feet - wash me away
And I ruminate the happenings of the day
Indeed everything comes in waves, the big and the small
But in the end one man controls it all
My mind swirls and spirals - confusion the theme of the game
Why do things come in waves, the timid and the tame
The waters wash against my feet, the salt bites my skin
Pain tells me that I'm still alive, without and within
The water rises the water falls - wave after wave
This never ending story of which girl the hero will save
But why do things come in waves, I still don't understand
If there is a struggle of pink and red, who will this hero defend
Why do things come and go - one moment and the next
One minute it's just beautiful, the next my gravest mistake
When the soil is dry and crumbly, it falls apart in my hand
But when the rains arrive, they drown out all the entire land
Where is mother moderation, where have you been hiding
You've been away too long, you need to bring good tiding
Everything just hits in waves, on and on and on
One minute you're standing there, the next you are gone
The waters wash up against my side - brings me back to now
So many pending questions, the where, what, why, and how
Things indeed do come in waves, they completely do
Friends, problems, tears and smiles, even boyfriends too
When the land is barren, it is completely dry
But once it starts to drizzle, heaven starts to cry
It pours down so hard and fast, my stomach starts to turn
The roll bigger and bigger, the waves begin to churn
The sky breaks forth water - big fat drops of tears
Come now, pour down, wash away the fears
Then as suddenly as it begun, it completely stops
As if God soaked had up all the water with his magic mops
Everything under the sky - they all come in waves
Whether you have freedom, you really still a buncha slaves
Things come and go in time, nothing lasts forever
When a good thing comes, take it - tarry, never
I walk down the sandy beach - foot prints on the sand
I walk alone, no one to hold my hand
I lie down on the golden beach - sand adorn my body
The swash and the backwash, whispering softly to me
By 9eek9oddess
Ambling on the beach, with my hands in the air, I try to feel the wind.
I feel the sand softening,
I hear the ocean roaring.
Birds are flying, in the air, freely.
I want to fly with them.
No man controls them, yet He controls it all, Freely.
Tides after tides,
waves after waves,
I am ambling on the beach, feeling what's around me.
He walked with me on the beach,
two traces of footprints.
A sudden wave overwhelmed me, I felt drowning, lifeless.
Time flies...
Waking up, bruised all over,
nothing but pain engraved in my head.
Looking back,
only one trace of footprints,
"Why do you leave me?", I cried, "I need you."
Then I realized
the footprints are not mine or they'll be washed away.
Thank you for keeping me alive and well.
:) The MAN knows all :)
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