Recently I went to Chong Fu Primary school to teach the primary 4 kids. Being attached to Spirit Makers Pte Ltd, I had to go down for a total of 2 days to be coach to the little (not so anymore) tots how to be a good public speaker. (Please don't laugh... )
I started even considering because Javier, a good friend of mine needed help so, I just HAD to save this damsel in distress.
The best thing about it was getting to meet the twins. Jerald and Jeremy - have not seen them in some time. The last time I actually saw them was when I flew over to Michigan from Pennsylvania, to visit my lillte sister. I remember having such a good time there, I love holidays. Ann Arbor, in michigan is a quaint little town, with only students. It's this city campus, that goes dead when the summer holidays come. But I love it, maybe it was just the fact that i was with my sister after such a long time and also meeting friends who have gone there to study as well. I remember the drinking sessions and the "diu diu diu" games session like it was yesterday. How I long for those swwet days of yonder when I had not a care in this world...
Can you spot the difference between Jerald and Jem?
Left is Jem, right is Jerald. :) I'm pro at this now. To think I have known these dudes since Jap class in MOELC in Sec 1!!! Them in their Nerdy RI uniform and I in my RGS (wayyy too long) pinafore...

So the class I taught was 4 Caring - a bunch of adorable kids, but very noisy and hard to control. It was a good experience for me, really a road to self discovery. After 2 days of teaching and a very sore throat, I have decided that teaching is not the profession I will ever want to consider. Children need to be punished for them to take you seriously but I really don't know how to scold children so they end up climbing all over my head. Really, I have a new found respect for teachers I wonder how someone can take charge and control 40 little rascals at one go. Of course there were the really lovable, smart and cooperativeonves, but the bad apples had their far share of "airtime" too.

I added 2 girls on my MSN after they asked me if I had MSN. I was like really shocked! Primary 4 girls have MSN? Man... I don't even remember whether during my pri 4 days there was even ICQ yet!!! But I chatted with them and hey sent me these photos of their class. Can you see the difference between the formal and informal shot? Like suddenly the kids let loose and show their true selves :)
Picture of all the coaches :) So many of us right? :)

Overall it was a really nice experience, meeting friends and meeting these little kids. I do lovr children, they are really so cool to hang around. They laugh and joke with you and don't judge. If only we could be and remain kids forever, safe in heavens of our own... a world that knows no pain and materialism...
10 Reasons why teaching is NOT for me (sorry if reasons are shallow):
1) I have a weak throat
2) I hate screaming at kids
3) I have favouritism to girls
4) I cannot teach beyond Pri 6 maths
5) There are few male teachers (we need men!)
6) I cannot stand being called "Miss Teo" makes me feel old
7) Tuckshop food sucks
8) I don't watch powerpuff girls
9) Kids are way too noisy
10) I get attached to children easily so when they graduate I get depressed
Just curious... What is this 'Spirit Makers' you speak of?
Spirit Makers is a training company, their train kids or corporation on how to be motivated and how to improve public speaking skills!
10 Reasons why teaching is NOT for me:
1) I have a weak throat too
2) I hate screaming at kids too
3) I favour boys
4) I cannot teach Science
5) I dislike MOE's streaming system
6) I dislike many of MOE's other policies and initiatives, e.g. Teach less, learn more
7) And there's got to be a problem with the edu sys if we have to teach creativity to the kids
8) I cannot talk to kids for extensive periods of time. My brain feels like I'm not utilizing it
9) Kids can get. REALLY. IRRITATING.
10) Some primary sixers are taller than I am.
ANYWAY. I really don't want to be a teacher lah. otherwise i wouldnt have quit my course at NIE after 2.5 years, and just 1.5 years before graduating. haha...
Daphne: I LOVE reason 10 :) you made me crack up so hard. Reason 4 not valid: u cannot teach science but u can show them science ... during biology when they learning anatomy... OK.. not funny :S
Sounds like the truest test of public speaking ever.
I bet when they climb all over your head all the public speaking rules get thrown out the window.
Hey Miss Teo ... I am sorry about it, but honestly I loved the PIG pic... You could dedicate an entire post to tell us about the "Pig Story" and what primary school kids chat on MSN (that is really scary - long long long ago when I was in primary school I could barely imagine that there would computers in the world) hahahahahahaha. That would be a good business plan: Second Primary Life... a word only of children!
precious: survival instincts totally take over then! :) Who dares wins! :)
PD: Im sure douglas would approve of that business plan - or at least provisionally approve of it :) I totally could not believe that kids actually MSN. i mean seriously, I think they are generations ahead!
They still call the canteen/eating place tuckshops?
Estee estee~~,,
Thank you for coaching the students in ChongFu primary.
For the heart and effort in coaching them patiently..
and you never know how u've made a difference or impact in their lifes, admist the brief encounter.
Which is why im so passionate about training and coaching!!
ohs.. TKGS prefects' were such darlings to train. And im having a follow up session with them, upon their teacher's request to train
on public speaking and also to share my story in Oct(after their finals),
hmm.. we'll talk more tmr during our brunch in arts yea..")
last but most importantly..: PtL!
Estee estee~~,,
Thank you for coaching the students in ChongFu primary.
For the heart and effort in coaching them patiently..
and you never know how u've made a difference or impact in their lifes, admist the brief encounter.
Which is why im so passionate about training and coaching!!
ohs.. TKGS prefects' were such darlings to train. And im having a follow up session with them, upon their teacher's request to train
on public speaking and also to share my story in Oct(after their finals),
hmm.. we'll talk more tmr during our brunch in arts yea..")
last but most importantly..: PtL!
kenny: i call it tuckshope :)
javier: :) PTL!
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