EXPOSED: Differences between Mac and PC users

called Thoof has had a look at the behaviour of some of its users to see if it could find the real difference between Apple and PC people.

Windows users are 20 per cent more interested in stories about religion than Mac users. Thoof thinks that this could be something to do with the occasional brush with a “blue screen of death” which gives Windows users a greater sense of their own mortality.

However it is more likely to be the fact that the use of Apple gear is a religion and looking at other gods is an affront to to his omnipotence, Steve of Cappuccino.

Windows users are 39 per cent more likely to read a story about personal savings than their Mac using friends. This is probably because Mac users have spent all their savings on the quarterly update of their Ipod, Imac or OSX.

Mac users are six per cent more interested in intellectual property law and five per cent more interested in fitness. There is only one company more proprietary than Microsoft in the world and when you encounter Apple briefs you have to be able to run fast.

Mac users are 20 per cent more interested in stories about biology. We guess the only way they can see a real naked member of the opposite sex is on sites classified as biological.

Mac users are six per cent less likely to read a story involving New York. Perhaps because it is one of the furthest places in the US from Cupertino and therefore more likely to fall into a state of Apple heresy.

Thanks to The Inquirer & Ming.