Hi folks,
After a few months of hibernation, planning and team building, we are happy to announce our next project: PopOut: Emerging Web Startups!
PopOut! is finally here! Calling all technopreneurs, venture capitalist, geeks, students, startups and basically anyone interested in the web 2.0 and beyond to join us as we hear from these locally grown startups share their innovation and experience! A successor to Geekout, Popout will be a series of startup showcases where we want you to meet the entrepreneurs spearheading the emergence of the Singapore Web 2.0 landscape. Our next series will focus on mobile startups. Click here to view Gen's blog about the event!
Companies presenting include Bezurk, recently named one of the world's most exciting startup by Business 2.0, ZopIM, Quaffs, BookJetty, Recruit.net and others.
Although we're upgrading to Suntec for this time, but no worries!!! We'll definitely be keeping the informal conversations and fun-filled interactions that mark TDM events.
Date: 4 October 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 6.45 to 9.30pm
Venue: Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Ballroom 1, Level 2
Admission: FREE!!!
Program at a glance:
6.30pm: Registration
7.00pm: Start of Event
7.10pm: Sharing Session with Ross from Bezurk
7.30pm: Demo by Quaffs and followed by ZopIM
8.00pm: Break
8.10pm: Demo by BookJetty and followed by Recruit.net
8.40pm: Short Speech by Gen Kanai of Mozilla
9.00pm: Chill-Out with the Peeps!
As with Geekout (which was fully registered in 2 days), be sure to register early! For more details, please check out http://popout.thedigitalmovemen
9eek 9oddess of The Digital Movement

Looking forward to this event.
Should be a great session for web2.0 ppl like myself.
:) see ya there then!!
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