Life hands hands you blows, yes indeed it does. No one ever said that life was a bed of roses and even if you were really inhabiting a house made of roses, mind you -- beware of the thorns.
Being alone at home on a Wednesday night got me thinking about the more pertinent issues in life. Maybe this can be attributed to the lack of sleep from burning the midnight oil last night. Maybe it's the stress from the post popout event TDM had... some lonely nights get me thinking... thinking about what really matters and what are the more important things in life...
1) Never take your parents for granted -- Spend time with them
2) Some things are more important that studies -- outside school experience counts.

3) Never neglect your girlfriends (by that I mean same sex friends), they are the ones who will stand by you no matter what
4) Love can be the sweetest drug or the cruelest poison. If you don't feel for someone, let them go, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
6) Don't ever forgot God
7) Make as many friends as possible. One they you will need them and they, you
8) Pain is inevitable, pain makes you stronger. Pain keeps you fighting. Fight on.
9) Spend money on yourself buying the things you like. Don't be a scrooge. What's all the moolah in the world when you're not happy?
10) Love yourself, above all. Because if you don't love yourself, others won't as well. When you finally learn to love yourself and embrace your self (faults included), only then will you be able to love someone else
My philosophy:
Hos' over Bros'...
Life sucks, Shit happens; Deal!
Skip a meal, buy heels instead!
Nothing is impossible with the Ah Pa Upstairs...
Blood always wins... they're the only ones who will love you when no one else does.
1) Yes, you never know when it will be too late
2) It gives you the edge, that's for sure. You dun apply what you learn in school outside most of the time, that's for sure. But sometimes, why rush into it when you have 30++ years ahead of you to get outside school experience? I think the most meaning this has is that we want to find out what we are meant to be doing.
3) Same for guys...never neglect your guy frens too.
4) You know best, eStee
5) Do your best, God will do the rest. You will never get anywhere pleasing everyone.
6) Sadly, we only remember this in our darkest moments when our needs are the greatest. We should thank Him everyday for everything that we already have.
7) Touche
8) I have a different take. Pain makes you aware that life is worth living.
9) How much happiness can money buy? That being said, ultimately, money is not what matters compared to happiness.
10) Yes. Glad you do.
*Guess you are lucky to learn this in 23 years. Some people take longer than that. :)
Hey Gerard and gwee gwee: Thanks for your comments!
The first picture cannot be directly posted to your website
Try this:
One thing I believe on top of all.
Always be thankful for the circumstances I am in, listen attentively to God, and trust Him. Always remember Jesus as God of mercy and love, pray to God through Him and live Christian life out.
Discuss the rest of the things over blog.
It sounds like some kind of HEART-FEELINGS thing ...
Not too many ppl know and I never wrote it in a blog but I was close to death (2 motnhs coma - pls don t make it public in class) and I can assure you that all the things that you wrote are probably the most important ones in life. Cheers and be happy for having friends and family, being a smart girl (and of course gorgeous!!! Ops ... and with a classy taste for dresses hahahahaha) Take care!
PD: wow, coma for 2 month, this is something I sure wanna hear about. A brush with death always makes you appreciate the things that really matter in life more...
Good one! Life sux shit happens.
Being alive is always better than anything else.
Happy Birthday to all October Babes!
you are totally true...
I ca't believe how easy (but still how hard) are these 10 ways to stop surviving... and start living...
thank you for your blog...
it really helped me...
Cuz right now i was feeling like shit for a lot of reasons... but i forgot the importance of those 10 things...
thank you....
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