Put a group of bloggers together - WHAM BANG, THANK YOU MA'AM. Out of the bubblin' couldron, you pull out 1001 pics. Thanks to Jayden, I showcase to you what happened last Thursday, at Nuffnang's mini community initiative - the babes and hunks who were privileged to go!

TAADAA! All 8 of us!!! + Jaq, the speaker!
Held at The Sun Tent @ Empress Place Park, the set up was perfect. Not too cluttered, comfy cushions, light air conditioning, dim lights and soft music set the stage for an evening to be remembered.This mini event was splendid. It wasn't an event for the masses, where cliques hung out -- we actually got to talk to and get to personally know everyone better. Yes, I managed to talk to all 7 of the rest there. :) Very nice and communal!
Yes, I had the same question, "Where in the flying rats' ass is Empress place? Of course, Ming, being the person with a perfect sense of direction, knew immediately where it was, but being female (yes blame the lack of testosterone!), I had to run my fingers up and down the street directory to find out where it was. Thank God I wasn't navigating, if not I think I would have gotten Ming very frustrated with my sense of directions (of lack, thereof)....

Not forgetting, must have individual shots!!! Thanks to Jayden for the pics!

Jayden and I... *he so young so handsome oredi hor???*
(of course my darling still more handsome la, must score brownie points!!!)

Of course we wore smiles on our faces! Free event, good food, good company, good learning... what more can a blogger want?
(.... oh yah, of course want more ads and more money, more readership, more shoes, bags, clothes, discounts... the lists goes on... ok let's not even get started...)
Try "Shingo" for your laptop's name.
Not too common, and definitely cool! Kidding. ^_^
And while you are there, maybe you can name your pillow, your refrigerator etc....
Shingo?? haha... very nice very nice. I'll think about it.
I've already named my pillow actually. Well, not a very nice name, but very befitting - STINKIE.
My refrigerator... now that's a whole other blog post altogether! :)
BOSS MING??? Not quite the apt title...I can think of another name: you want the PG-13 or R-Rated version? *LOL* I like the current song you're using on your blog....Tres Bien!
Missing you heaps! Counting down the days till I snatch you back from you-know-who. Nyek, nyek!
LOVE U dawnie!
That must have been a great meetup and learning experience!
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