Nuffnang's Boss Stewie visits the red DOT! (pics)

Boss Stewie from Nuffnang KL office visited Singapore on Thursday and I got the honour of meeting him Friday for lunch with Nicole and Boss Ming. You know how Boss Stewie looks like?? haha this is how...

And can you guess the first thing I said to him when I saw him? haha.. read on...

But seriously, I have been following his blog for a considerable amount of time already and all I see him doing all the time is.. yes smiling. All this shots of him on his blog are of him grinning and flashing his pearly whites. But seriously.. the million dollar question is...

"NO but seriously, does Timothy Tiah ever stop SMILING??"

Thursday was no different. He truly is DARLIE"S newest poster boy...

The moment I met him I said, "Oh my God, you're exactly like what you are on your blog. You can't stop smiling!"

Guess his response :"... *huge smile*"...

OK, so we went to like Ming's favourite restaurant to have like a whole ton of food, yummy man I tell you. But the ma la soup is too hot for me still, really it was literally bubbling red.. I don't know how anyone can stomach that.. it's like drinking a can of chili padi down.. ahhh.. seems like only Ming can drinks it down in gulps...

Then later on after eating our fill, Ming and I sent him off to the airport to catch his flight back to penang! But first of course, at the Airport, we had to stop by Swensens to fill our faces with more cream and sugar and fats!!!

hee hee and this is when we decided to give stewie his pseudo christmas present...!!
(yes Ming is much cheekier than his serious exterior! He makes me laugh so hard it's sometimes not even funny!)

As I noticed, the only time I've seen Boss Stewie without a smile on his face is when... he is EATING!!

See? NO SMILE!!!

But then again, I think he will be very very happy with his Christmas present!

I hope he doesn't itch too much... :)

Disclaimer: No Boss Stewies or Swensens ice cream or darlie toothpaste was hurt in the making of this blog post...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha but Tim looks so funny when he is eating it makes YOU smile

Boss Stewie said...


hey... i don't smile quite a lot too.. when people gimme stress!!! rite skyler?

eStee said...

skyler: haha it's hilarious. I had a good time meeting him. Really he is a cartoon character in real, HE CANNOT STOP SMILING!!!!

Boss Stewie: Don't stop smiling la.. dun worry smiling does not mean hum sup, smile more!

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