Green goop falling all out of your hair, blood stains from your well concealed fangs...
Ahhhh... this is the before shot... (shouldnt scare you, I hope)

After shot...

:) So did I scare you? Pls don't say the after shot looks better.. that would surely be a cheap shot... :(
lol cute! i like the kitty!
ya.. super cute! Looks a bit evil though...
no matter how much i edit, i still don't look goo. i think i need a plastic surgeon, not a picture editor.
That's alright. I'm attractive, not good looking. LOL
Thats when you are studying too hard again. TIME OF THE SEMESTER
Vandalin: If you edit and still don't look good then u must get professional editing help! :) Plastic isnt the way to go!!
Crispyfries: Yea, actually the after pic is the before one, right after revision! :P
Can try for a zombie picture for the night just before ur paper!
I think more suitable would be a picture of my corpse's ashes :P
Nah, you're too cute to look scary
skyler: haha I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing! Here I come! RAWR!
If all the vampires look like this ... I would donate my blood for the first one I find in Singapore hahahahahahahahaha.... If all the vampires are sexy like this ... Please Please get all my blood!!!!
Maricio: URGENT! email me ok? Very urgent, concerning BMA 5108!!!
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