Every exam, I tell myself I'll start earlier, stop getting distracted, start reading lecture notes earlier, finishing up all assignments etc, but every semester, I fail to do it.
9eek 9oddess thus awards herself "Most Last Minute Chao Pia-er Award"
Yes, I always "ling2 shi2 bao4 fuo2 jiao3".... but my mother claims that it is "ling2 shi2 bao4 ye1 su1 jiao3"... which translates into "last minute hug Buddha's/Jesus' feet
Hey! Why do u have my pic posted?
That's your pic? Oooohhh cute... it's the pic of the guy I have a crush on now!!!??? Count yourself (un)lucky!!!
Notice that I have no more hair left. Pulled'em all off in the exam hall.
I like bald men.... *read vin diesal*
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