Yes I know this is a very vulgar shot of Tatty with a pseudo dick...
but I think he was a bit high and did it because we asked him to.. you know, to humour us...
but I think he was a bit high and did it because we asked him to.. you know, to humour us...

Night 4 was splendid -- As usual I took a thousand more pictures and eat a loootttt more!

Yes yummy Indian and Panni Puri...

We go back that night with extended bellies of yoghurt and ghee and all that indian curry... and Dawn's too lazy to stretch out to tap her pass card, so she always keeps a pair of thong in her car to ensure an easy reach.. like so... :)

The next morning... ALL I can think of is...

Dawn and I then mart ways because she has to go to work and I meet up with Cornelius... just for a bit... we get up his car and I take Snuffie out... he has been a bit neglected and I feel a bit guilty...

And we take more pictures!!!!

This is a pair of shades from Sportsgirl.. we used to have them back home in Singapore but I guess they didn't do well because they were so freaking OVERPRICED????

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