How to INCREASE ANG PAO collection $$$$$


I provide you with a few... and also let you in on how you can be creative when you're bored at your relatives' house, how can can occupy yourself and probably bag a few more of those red packets.

1. stake out at your grandparent's house.

You know, many people visit the older folks, so if you stake out there, not only do you get an endless supply of food, you also get ang pao from everyone who visit... I know this from watching one of my cousins (shall not name him) stake out every year at ah mah's. Smart rite? Instead of visiting others, he stays with Ah Mah at her house and get people to "visit" him instead.

2. Wear damn bloody red or damn bloody GOLD

You see, if you do so, people think you're bringing them LUCK, so they give you $$$$

3. Get your parents to change $1 notes instead of $2.

Don't know if it's just me, but my parents seem to also keep track of how much other relatives give and "give back" the same amount to their children (unless of course it's an underpriviledged family then daddy can be very generous). So this year, somehow get your parents to change many $1 notes and if your giving $10, 10 pieces of $1 feels SUPER THICK, so in return, relatives think your parents have upped the amount due to the thickness and will return the favour. Disclaimer: Next year though, you will get a lot less...

4. Get your parents to up the amount for good

By doing so, for the same reasons as stated above, your relatives will be "obliged" to give you more money, so as not to be seen as "cheap".

5. STAY SINGLE (and even bring your bf/gf along with you for the windfall)

We all know that if you're married, that ends your journey of ang pao collection and starts your new path of giving ang paos. Singles, stay single for this year at least, so your prolong your ang pao reception by a year and delay your giving by a year. Good idea also to bring your partner for ang pao collection...

(haha then remind them to split half of THEIR collection with you since they got it from your family... take it as a commission!!!)

If all else fails, learn how to do this, and I'm sure you'll get more money... Enjoy and gong xi fa cai everyone!! (P/s: the above was said in jest, please do not take me seriously)



Robin said...

haha...that's a nice one
i will try it up this CNY
Happy Chinese New Year

Anonymous said...

Haha! These people I know, ARE GETTING MARRIED THIS THURSDAY, one week before CNY! It makes no sense at all!!!

Kenny said...

ROFL @ the kum.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh..think I have come to an age where getting ang pows is kinda shameful and still not in the position to give out any coz I am not married..

think I am going to stake out at brewerkz on CNY ;)

eStee said...

robin: good luck! I take commissions and donations

skyler: omg... they gonna go broke

kenny: damn funny hor? so cute!

jason: ull regret not taking the ang paos!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, random blogger scouting the blogosphere. Gotta love those the oranges, haha.


Zheng WuLeow said...

heh, #3 sounds like a plan.

I wonder if chocolate coins works? :P

haha all the best!

eStee said...

...: yea i love oranges... u have to try to replicate tt!

eStee said...

suspicious: chocolate coins work, but then expect hershey gold nuggets back..

Anonymous said...

i know one more... encourage your older relatives to get married so you can collect more ang baos... wait, that's me!!!!!!!! hahahaha...yay to my brother and older cousin getting married this year...four more angbaos for me. whee!

Anonymous said...


eStee said...

gong xi fa cai you all!! XOXO

Shingo T said...

The orange looks good.

Artistic, haha.

Anonymous said...

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