Can you believe I flew all the way to Melbourne to of course see one of my gfs, but also to meet up with many of my long time friends, one of which DOES IT WITH MODELS. Yes, he really does! What's his secret, I had to find out... Was it worth my trip?? Is it that easy doing it with models?
Meet Tan Jingyi, my dear friend from JC, who from an aspiring swimmer, became an aspiring architect. Well, not so aspiring now since he IS an architect already.. or will be in a years' time.
So you've probably found out, that yes, the way he does it with models is that he literally works with models. Yes, he does! Don't you love what his t-shirt says??
So I bring Dawnie with me to meet Soi Wei and Jingyi. I had actually already met them the might before for dinner, as you can see in my earlier post.
We met at this really nice cafe called Joe's Garage. Really nice place, very homely and best of all they serve...
Dawn orders the apple rhubarb pancake... I've never know what a "rhubarb" is before but she tells me it's this thing that is like celery but they cook it so long it mashes up and mixes with the apple flavour. It scared me a bit because it was all red... (didn't help that I was having my period then...) OK INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!! *beep beep*
Anyway these pancakes are really special because they are damn the super thick can? They are more than an inch thick so are slow cooked to perfection. We had to wait almost half an hour for one... They were all very very well done, soft on the inside and crusty on the outside... plus you know, anything tastes GOOOOD with ice cream.
Ashamedly I say, even a rotten boot tastes good if covered in ice cream.
No one was complaining about the portion of the pancake... soon we were down to...
yes, 4 singaporean pigs!!!... wolfing down all that carbo!!!
Not getting enough... (yah we fat la!) we ordered another portion, this time vanilla pancake...
Which we did have a bit of trouble finishing, to be honest....
But then, the 4 musketeers aspire to further lardify ourselves... we
ORDER more food!!!
The 4 of us go in for the kill... I get another plate of HUGE brekky!!! (which we shared...)
One thing about Australians, they like to add a -KY with everything... so Breakfast become brekky and you know what I mean...
OJ for Soi to wash down her pancake...
Mocca for Jingyi!!!
And to finish it off.. haha we cannot resist the Eggs Benedict.... WTH, who can?
Which I follow on to down with my signature COKE LITE.
But anyways, what's all that food without entertainment? The night before I head out with Cornelius for "The Phantom of The Opera"... I was a bit low on the cash, so he offered to take me to watch it and topped it off with nice nice dinner at some chic Italian or was it French restaurant...
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA -- admittedly I have never not once watched this stage production before so I was pretty psyched...
Although he had caught it once before a couple of weeks earlier, I must say that he was sweet enough to offer to accompany me AGAIN!
Not sure if he was overdressed or if I was underdressed... well we all love reasons to doll up and he was looking all fine in the coat...
I would want to post pictures of the production, but my camera doesn't take good night shots so I decided to give it a miss....
Phantom was good, but to be honest, I thought it could have been better. I hear a lot of people raving about it.. but I'm a sucker for sad plots. I love watching sad shows but then hate myself later for them making me cry. The phantom was sad.. it reminds me of one of those movies or TV serials where the protagonists are star-crossed lovers!!! Oh how it hooks us and how we hate the pain of watching 2 hearts collide, but never merge as one...
Corn then bring me to CROWN CASINO!!! *bling bling*
We park at the "las vegas" portion...
and enter SIN CITY...
Look at all the rollers and jackpot machines.
I don't gamble, but Corn decided for the thrill of it to burn $20, and throw it down on the black jack table.
Yes, we lost it in like what, 5 secs?
Me with my race car...
What a splendid night.. which ends off with Cornelius serenading me right at Dawn's doorstep!
Yes, he actually sings for me! Right in front of everybody!!!! It was actually 12 midnight so there weren't many people though.. but still...
He forgets the word so cleverly, he downloads the lyrics on his mobile and sings it out... This is the song he sings, called "Think of Me"...
Very sweet gesture I must say....
But... we cannot rob the attention away from Snuffie .... My darling soft toy that follows me like EVERYWHERE!!!
More pics from that morning... it's funny I'm realizing that I'm starting to blog backwards.. these are pictures from that morning...
taken from Dawn's balcony...
In the changing room... at Valley Girl!!!
I bought like 3 dresses from Valley Girl!
And just so I find an extra photo, this is a pic of April and I. Like I said, we had met her earlier to chill out... she's one of my JC classmates, one of the many who has left for Australia...
Yummy Max Brenner Summer Smoothie brings smiles to one's face...
Will write more next time.... LOVE U ALL!! XOXO!!! Kissssssssiiieesss!!!
hey, quick q, my gf really likes the dress you bought. are there any stores that sell similar things here in sg? like.. that flare out just below the boob?
lol! the Summer Smoothie 'drink me' bottle is sooo cute !!!
I know... too bad cannot buy!!!
hey, quick q, my gf really likes the dress you bought. are there any stores that sell similar things here in sg? like.. that flare out just below the boob?
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