Geek Goddess Show Episode 1 - LAUNCHES TODAY, WATCH HERE

Finally guys, after months of discussion, and weeks of procrastination, THE GEEK GODDESS SHOW is up and running. Watch the very first episode now!

We're a podcast that gives you info about web happenings and technology with an ASIAN perspective. We've heard of many US and EU podcasts but few local ones, so there was an apparent gap to fill. Your hosts Peter and I, will be delivering to you nugget bite information about what's happening in the tech space all around us!

These podcasts will be hosted on, which will be an aggregator for other podcasts like Blogger's Treat and 65Bits. Also in time, more channels will be streamed, ranging from football news to, perhaps, shopping! :)

The Geek Goddess Show: Episode 1 from Geek Goddess Show on Vimeo.

Special thanks to our producers Mike Cheng and Bernard Leong!!

Please give your comments, be it good or bad. We know we have a lot to work on like on sreen chemistry and delivery of information, but we're working hard on it. Hope you'll tune in next week!!!

Later skaters!


Details: said...

Hi there! I saw it during the Podfire soft launch.

You did a good hosting in this pilot ep.

eStee said...

Thanks Paddy, this is a start - we have a lot to work on though ;)

Anonymous said...

I saw it at the soft launch as well. Nice energy estee.. juz tt u were close to 'shouting'.


eStee said...

kris: thanks for your comments, OK, I lower my volume the next time :)

Anonymous said...

you sound like you've got have a weird fake sounding accent estee. maybe you were too nervous.

Tricia Ong said...

Both of you were very nervous and have an unfamiliar accent. Check out ClickNetwork.TV shows for poise and confidence. No harm intended.

eStee said...

anonymous :hmmm i really do speak like that.. I seriously wasn't pulling an accent... oh no

tricia: no worries -- all comments accepted :) Peter does have an accent, he's from china, so it's distinctly different from mine. As for me, I really do speak like that in real like, I'll try to be more conscious of it the 2nd episode. Thank u!

Anonymous said...

Estee, great job.
Keep it up.
Peter hair looks bigger than usual.

eStee said...

daniel: haha... he had a hair blowjob before that, perhaps. :)

Kenny said...

Very nice and Kris is right, you were a tad too loud.

eStee said...

kenny: yea, I reheard it and yes, a tad bit shouting, esp at the end. :O

Bill Claxton said...

Sorry I missed the launch. Nice show, well edited and encoded, good subject matter.

eStee said...

bill: thanks Bill! Looking forward to improve in subsequent episodes!

Anonymous said...

BABE you don't speak geek! Cool laa c'mon ;) u make a great host. ur friend too :) he's got a very chinesey accent tho.

Wah Hoo said...

Constructive comments, can?

You speak way too fast. It's probably your usual self but it's also a normal thing for public speakers. There's this rule called 'time is false' because the speaker's impression of time is always slower than the audience, thus making him/her trying to speak faster, to avoid pauses and silences.

It's funny how Peter always seem to get cut off when the scene changes. Haha...

Btw, nice show and good hosting.

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