It was really cool because, thanks to Daryl, I received complementary tickets to the Directions08 conference, where he was on a panel with Kenny Sia discussing new media.

I thought it was a pretty decently run conference plus it was great to be of support to Kenny and Daryl. I also to the pleasure of getting to know Samantha. Was very glad to have met her -- we cliqued really well. Discussing everything under the sun from shopping, to boys, and yea everything down under :)
These are a couple of shots with Boss Ming at Chong Qing hot pot having dinner.

Will post up my Japan pics soon! Love Love!
haha... short and curly?... eh aunty, don't think in THAT way.. :) I thought u like brazillian? :)
it's a hongkee trend to leave ur private looking like a 70's hippie.
were u the chick in the polka dot red dress in tim's page? bout lobsters/crayfish etc?
just a warning estee....
Man Utd lost to Chelsea last night.. 1-2
Ming is probably on a warpath this morning.. stay clear!!!
sam: yeap thats red polka dot thing was me
Tim: I know.... he went out for a rampage supper last night with old schoolmate. Basically,the earth rumbled...
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