Only Women READ this... (men keep away!)

This can be found in Singapore. To be precise, the HMV Heeren carpark. My Prof sent our class this. Women might agree and men might get offended, but what the heck. It's a PINK world, so men, eat your hearts out! HAIL ARISTOTLE!!!

Truly, if women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning! :)


Alyson Rozells said...

let's go shopping!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Let's go shopping.

Any men out there who would like more meaning in life? Let us help you. Just hand over your credit card. ;)

yapthomas said...

somehow I agree..
anything to do with women, money..

Unknown said...

Heeellloo us men would still need money to pay for the 3Bs... beers, betting and burgers!

How was your BD & Japan??? Have a good one (:

eStee said...

Alyson: yeap, shopping until they drop :) They = men

precious: Yeap a credit card or two more won't harm us :) Anyway, what kills the men will only make them stronger! :)

yapthomas: :) haha hand over ur credit card!!!

todd: True, go ahead and enjoy the 2 Bs.. haha maybe should be 4... 4th b for breast. woops... did I say that out loud?

Themuxicbox said...


eStee said...

themusicbox: double woot!! :)

ZB said...


eStee said...

esther: ur hilarious. yea, that should be put in the book of life :) No blasphemy intended!

Lupin Tan said...

A suscessful man is someone who can earn more than his woman can spent.

A suscessful woman is someone who can find such a man.

yapthomas said...

with pleasure...

give me ur address i will send it to you..

hope it is still active by then..

eStee said...

lupin tan: very insightgful indeed. hmmm young padwan, u have done ur research...

yapthomas: u sure u wont come hang pig head outside my dooooor ? :)

yapthomas said...

estee, don't worry.. i will just hang my picture -__-

Anonymous said...

Why would men be offended? Any man worth his sack will tell you truthfully that power and money serve the ultimate purpose of poon. You can shop and use our money, provided you behave like a good trophy wife.

eStee said...

anonymous: yes siree! :) AMEN!!

eStee said...

anonymous: oh yah.. u speak like someone with a sack of gold bars.. haha

Anonymous said...

Without women, the world will be a peaceful place because men won't feel compelled to show who has a bigger dick and then compete by killing each other, trampling on each other for more money, power and glory. There won't be a need for money.

Then again, without women we probably only last one generation. Which possibly isn't a bad thing.

And being the horny bastards we are, we will probably find other holes to use in the mean time and end up fighting over those.

Hmmm..maybe its just men who is the problem.

Lupin Tan said...

"I am merely a padawan in the presence of a master" - Hodges, talking to Grisson in "You Kill Me" Season 8 Episode 8

Lupin Tan said...

More of a CSI fan.

But I do watch Starwars. Favourite Character: Han Solo.

eStee said...

Lupin Tan: My fav character is... jabba the hut... haha

Anonymous said...

i'm ashamed to be a woman around others who are happy to be bought with gifts!

Anonymous said...

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