Polish people hate me. Polish people abso-effing-lutely hate me. Let me prove it. This week I got over 15000 hits on my pathetic blog. Ask me why? Thanks to the Polish dudes who have visited and left many nasty comment. Of course some good la... but then... alamak... why make me sounds to stooopid?
I previously wrote this post, stating that Polar bears, I assumed were from Poland.Some one from there, apparently got wind of it and posted it on some blog aggregator. Thena ll hell broke loose,leading me to get a torrent of hate comments...


WHat do u guys know about Poland...?? SERIOUSLY... i don't remember being taught anything about it in school...
p/s: sorry for not blogging for so long, work has been up to my neck.
poland is a nice country! super delicious food and super nice people! I'm not lying coz I was just there several weeks ago. You can check out my blog to see my photos if you don't believe me.
dziendobry! hahahaha
You should of asked them what they knew about Singapore.
Ask them whether Singapore is part of China or not. :)
eh, apparently they know. When I was there, we didn't have any difficulty at all to explain where Singapore is.
surprisingly.. when I was in USA, some people asked which part of china is singapore in... i told them, Singapore isn't in Malaysia. It's actually the 51st USA state. some got the joke some didnt.
Poles, like Jews and Singaporeans, have no sense of humour. It comes from having the only word in the English language - polish - that sounds different when capitalized. Everyone knows polar bears come from poland; as do strippers.
well... polish aren't very happy people.
i rmb there was this world idol thing a few years back and a polish judge was MUCH MORE sarcastic than simon and nonsensically rude.
probably unlke polar bears, they don't have furs to keep them warm.
nocturne: strippers come from Poland? Cool. New Fact of the week.
serene: Perhaps thats y polish act so coldly to others... brrr...
This may sound mean, but I was tickled by the comments. Classic!!
Well part & parcel of blogging. Just know when to admit wrong & move on
Or use the "ignorance is bliss" aka blur-sotong method like i always do
Hilarious joke!
i think that it's always good to be informed or to seek knowledge but to be honest, it's a big world. Given the choice, you're gonna select to learn about stuff you are relatively more interested in or find relevant to you.
yes, you may have made a stupid comment but you learned from it, right?
your ignorance may be distasteful to them but what is more distasteful is that someone so "educated" and supposed "more intelligent" and therefore, logically more versed in social behavior can be so rude and offensive in their speech.
it certainly doesn't make me inclined to learn more about their country if they are a representative of the people who live there.
Heh GG doesn't matter if Polish People don't like you, there are plenty of other people that are huge fans! *Me putting my hand up* Can't win them all ;)
As an American, I didn't like that they were ripping us. What brought that on? Estee is from Singapore. Go and rip them.
uncle sha & henry: u are laughing at my misery!!!
Todd: SO schweet, hey it was so good meeting u today!
Dawn: :(
Michael: Yes, they actually insulteed Americans and then Asians, no one was spared.
Lupin: Yes, WIKI truly is KING!
No need to rip Americans. I know my geography very well.
michael: ahaha wanna take the estee test?
I guess they were joking!
What is the Estee test? I have no problem taking it.
Seems like they get more of discovery channel over there than us hahaha!
And what has polar bears got to do wif modern asian women's inablity to cook?
Lard n cabbages dun really count as culinary delights to me either.
So there u go!
to speak objectively, i do not think that your blog should be used as a bench mark in representing the general level of knowledge of Asians. many of us are well-informed and street-smart in many respects and as much as there are silly ignorant people in Asia, there are silly ignorant people in every corner of the world as well.
there is no need to blow things out of proportion based on such an insignificant statement in a blog post. they give you waaaaaaaay too much credit estee.
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just ignore them, not all of them hate you, trust me. it's just that a few idiots decided to make rude and stupid comments. i know a lot of people think there are polar bears in poland. it doesn't bother me (im from poland :) ). I mean a lot of people assume theres gotta be ice in Iceland and greenery in Greenland, as you said in your original post.
nocturne: guess what? every single person can have (and usualy does) have a tottaly different sense of humour, no matter what their race is. Everyone knows strippers don't come JUST from Poland, you will find a lot of strippers from all over around the world...including the U.S.A.
serene maybe you need to get some fur since you are not the warmest person in here :P
Everyone's different. I just hate how some people think, that just because they've met one person from a country, everyone from that country is the same as them....
Bless USA 4 Jackass hahahahahaha
I learned about fractions and negative numbers in SECOND GRADE!!!!!!!!! Geez!
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