Hi my lovelies, sorry I've been so busy with work, it's hard for me to blog as usual. HOWEVER, last weekend, me and the girls went out again *wooot*
Happy happy! We met for dinner at Liang Court, at this place called Tampopo. Thank God Weisan was smart enough to make us a booking, if not I tell you, confirm no place! That place was sooo uber crowded! We had black pig ramen. Don't ask me what it is, but in a nutshell, it's a pig that is literally black in colour. *OINK*. Some breed from China or something... yummmmy. It's more tender than normal pork.. due to the extra fat content. Call it like wagyu beef, but pork instead...
After dinner, we all headed to Pump Room to have drinks and do a bit of dancing (in the moonlight)... ALL 10 girls :)

I know I always say I do not drink, and it's true. I can get high on good music and good company!!! Really! :)
The thing is that in Pump room, we met this ang moh woman who was super peeved at us because the moment we came in, we plonked our asses on this huge "reserved" table. We told the waiter that we would leave once the guest came, and when she saw it, she was furious. She demanded for a "reserved" table as well. I guess he had to fend her too, but Cheryln's wonder flirt and wink allowed up to continue hogging the table *wooohoooo to pretty eyes*

On the dance floor, with live music, and us 10 girls jigging to the rhythm... plus with a camera, we were just all trigger happy...

*click* *dance* * click* *scream* *jigawig* *click* *click summore*

Oh yeah, later on the dance floor, the same ang moh woman purposely bumped into me to show her displeasure.. but seriously.. whatever la.
Good night darlings... ZZZZzzzz - crashing out now.
now that's what girls do best in clubs wtf >.<
yatz: yups camwhores hor???
coolerfuzz: thx!
Looks like u girls had fun... Juz wondering has the band setup changed since the last time i've been there?
There is a Eurasian, A Big 'Momma' and an indian singer?
HEhe ic... Tink gonna go down soon again wif some frds.
go go go... My next posting is on the new and improved butter factory! :)
Ic.. Hope butter factory wun hv the smokey n sweaty smell on their premises anymore... Eh tonite wanna go st james?
I'm still waiting for ur butter factory posting ah! Neck getting longer and longer each day...
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Nice blog - good mix of pensive thoughts and fun trip details (the disneyland posts were very well done - I wanna go! lol ).
btw, erm... about this post: forget biking - invite me to *this* next time! j/k ;)
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