Like a child, my heart skips a beat whenever Meow sends me pics of Baby Evan.
Somehow, I think every mother thinks their child is the most beautiful in the world -- I'm not Evan's mummy, but to me, Evan is perfect.

Perhaps its because I was so keenly involved in the pregnancy, and I felt him kick mummy so many times, I heard mummy talking to him, scolding him, and ahhh... that very first scan Meow sent me when I could hardly make out his shape.

This picture made me burst out into laughter -- he's so grumps! Mummy, stop taking pictures of me please!

Do you know, Evan, that there are many people who love you? You are so blessed, and may you never ever forget that! We love mummy too! :)

Too early in the AM to write more... I hope Meow sends more pictures soon, if not I'll HAVE to visit this weekend!
xoxo <3
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