Hi Guys: I would really appreciate comments and thoughts on this. Please assist me in ideas for his area:
If You were attend a "BlogOut" sort of event where you get to meet other people who blog as well, would you prefer the crowd to be niche? Meaning either all techies, all New Media, All social bloggers or would you like to see a good mix of everyone (problems of this might be getting pockets of people in cliques instead of fostering good interpersonal interaction).
Would you be willing to pay nominal fee maybe $5 or so for dinner, maybe some drinks and a well planned agenda.
Where would you think this event should be held?
And lastly, how many people would you want to expect? I'm not looking like NEXUS-like large scale event, I'm talking about 60-100 individuals.
Thought please!!!! Thanks! Please comment!
Like I mentioned early on the MRT, I think it would be good to have a nice mix from various backgrounds, I dun think i would like it to be too 1 dimensional.
Hi Estee, sounds like a thoughtful idea. I quite like the way Uzyn has been organising Ping outings. Usually, its making critial mass and then everyone just turns up. Something like a "Flashmob"
Usually people prefer cliques/communities.
The only mass commonality among bloggers are:
1) Blogging
2) Food
3) Maybe get a celebrity blogger?
how would you guys feel about mini "blog idol" competition, yes with guest star from famous blogger but we want to concentrate on highlighting blogs within the community, those that have gone below the radar. dinner, informal mixing around n Pitch blog event, vote in judging 4 best blog idol.. sorta thing...
I would like to attend different types of sessions: e.g. where there is a good mix as well as where there's a special topic (or where bloggers of a certain type gather). Timing and venue would be quite important to me.
Don't care much about "idol" stuff though.
I think a good mix of people from different background will be good.
Actually, I feel that coffee/tea and some finger food will be good enough. $5 should still be alright.
If You were attend a "BlogOut" ... would you prefer the crowd to be niche?
I would prefer so. + some old media coverage
Would you be willing to pay nominal fee maybe $5...?
That's a resonable amount considering the place where we are going to be having this
Where would you think this event should be held?
Where there is nice chair to sit, enough power plugs and high speed internet
And lastly, how many people would you want to expect?
Around 150-
Please keep your ideas flowing. This will become a reality if I get enough feedback and critical mass. I need ideas so we can get the best event, optimal coverage and benefits everyone...
If You were attend a "BlogOut" ... would you prefer the crowd to be niche?
No, it'll be nice to meet bloggers from different niches. Best to have 1 or 2 prominent blogger from each niche to speak and allow the others to ask questions.
Would you be willing to pay nominal fee maybe $5...?
Yes, definitely. Maybe get some sponsors too?
Where would you think this event should be held?
Anywhere with Internet access, and that allows the bloggers to move around freely and mingle.
And lastly, how many people would you want to expect?
100 or so - not too many.
Possible to do it between 23rd to 25th April? :)
Lovely idea. But I think it will help if we had a bit more focus. Just meeting other bloggers sounds a bit broad. Not a big fan of celebrity bloggers, just want to meet others of similar passion.
I want to meet non-blogging celebrities instead of the celebrity bloggers! So that I can convince them that that keeping a blog of them own, not only will them to build a channel of communication and river of feedback, it could essentially boost their fame.. hahaha
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any news coming ?
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