When they say that pictures paint a thousand words, pictures truly do paint a thousand words. Enough said about our dear country rite? I'm really looking forward to budget day speech on the 15th Feb....
hmm...guess you are hit pretty bad by the ERP eh? I rem last week on a Friday nite (2nd day of CNY), I kena beeped once to get into orchard so I can go to plaza singapura, and kena beeped again just to get out and get into Selegie...they are really killing me... :(
actually i think the ERP is FANTASTIC.
Seriously.. i mean... come down to kl.. and sit with me in our kl jams... seriously.. you'll wish we had ERP here :P
ERP fantastic if it's not overdone. here... we got no more money for gas... all the money go ERP.
hmm...guess you are hit pretty bad by the ERP eh? I rem last week on a Friday nite (2nd day of CNY), I kena beeped once to get into orchard so I can go to plaza singapura, and kena beeped again just to get out and get into Selegie...they are really killing me... :(
sponsor my erp can??
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