Nuffnang's 1st Birthday Bash @ KL (400 bloggers!)

What would a birthday bash be without 400 bloggers, great food, camwhoring and prizes?

Early on Saturday morning, My parents and I set off at 7AM, excited to head to KL with 100 other S'porean bloggers for Nuffnang's 1s Birthday Bash @ KL.

The atmosphere was great upon arrival, the place was filled with throngs of people, all psyched up to see their favourite bloggers. The Singaporean gang, (some as seen below) met at Nuffnang's office at 8AM, and took 2 chartered buses. We were all put up at TUNES Hotel in KL, for FREEE! (yay Singaporean in me shining!)

This bunch was even rocking their way in the bus before the party started!

Above: Valerie, Jarius, Valerie's mother, Jayden and his friend

I was really glad to have my whole bunch of friends there with me - Darren, Sophia, Gaby, Me, James...
Raine, my babelicious friend managed to help me bring along her bunch of friends as well!

And from left: Esther, Raine, Me, Mike, Zach and Isaac!

The event was brimming with famous Singaporean and M'sian bloggers...

Wendy Cheng (xiaxue) on my left and Kexin (in blue) on my left.

What would a party be without M'sia's biggest blogger Kenny Sia ...

Wendy and Dawn Yang?

Or darling Jayden?

Or Nadelicious Nadnut?

Valerie, my modelishious classmate was also there and she won best pajama!! Won herself a Ipod touch!!!! She's a darling... haha but she's taken, sorrryy!!!

Of course, the party would be NOTHING without a bunch of HOT KINKY girls rite? To add a bit of sugar and spice!!!

Ensuring the guys would get a bang for their buck....

as a sea of nuffnang's fans watched on... cheering incessantly...

I met this really cute girl.... I know she's a fan of Nuffnang, but I can't remember who the hell she is... anyone knows? Tell me!!!!! All I can remember is that she and her sister were a bunch of fun!!!

HELP ME FIND HER!!!!! (my piggy is pregnant it made out with her piggy!)

The whole event ended with the Nuffnang staff, sabo-ing their bosses, making them wear undies that said in front: "My staff are blogging this" (this was vertically printed down the d*ck area).. and at the back, a huge Nuffnang logo with the words "Boss Ming/Boss Stewie" printed on it.

Dawn Yang also gave a kiss of this blogger who actually bidded 8000 nuffnang dollars for it... boy was he in EUPHORIA. (check out his hard on!)

This made Kenny Sia so angry he had to rub money all over himself!

Anyways the game and food were so good, all thanks go to the Nuffnang team, Ming and Stewie!

The Nuffnang team!



revel in me said...

I am THAT GIRL you were looking for, HAHAHA!

I had loads of fun with you too, and similarly, I have damn a lot of pics with you, they all turned out so nice! :P Hope you're treating the mini pig well, haha. <3

ZB said...

you didnt follow us clubbing after the party :(

eStee said...

Revel in me: Hello!!! yay!! found you! haha I think our pics with your sister are sooo cute!!!

esther: We got back and I was so shagged I just fell asleep! I got up at 6AM that morning hun!!!!! Hope u had fun though~

mustardqueen said...

here comes the SISTER!! haha *superman theme song* haha it was a pleasure meeting ya! =) When are you expecting mini piggy huh?? hahahahaah xD

Anonymous said...

you're such a sweetheart la estee darling =)

HUGSSSSSSS. haha. the party was a blast! awsome-ness to the max! but it's back to reality now. see ya in class for presentation =(

p/s: can i adopt one of the baby piggies? hahahaha :P

eStee said...

mustardqueen: :) ur piggy better be responsible ok!! :)

eStee said...

dweam: this week we better not pontang!!!

Anonymous said...

Estee I don't think I have picture with you T______T

eStee said...

I do I think, but it's on Ming's cam!

Anonymous said...

it was great knowing you at the party. Cheers to a great night of fun!

eStee said...

mr chrispy!! i haven't been formally introduced to you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ESTEE!!!! We have all enjoyed ourselves at the party! It's been good! Haha! :) I've been reading your blog too! ;)

eStee said...

kexin: yaaayy!! xoxox lovelove!!

eStee said...

smartphone: welcome back anytime. I'm heading to your blog now!

Simon Seow said...

Ah, that night was fun. Wish every month we can have party like this.

Anonymous said...

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