This comes as great shock, really. For some reason it just seems so weird (is this very bimbotic?). It's like saying that there is no ice in Iceland and no greenery in Greenland (ok this post is starting to sound damn dum!)
So last week, the 3 of us had the office to ourselves and we decided it'd be nice if we practiced some cross culture. I am proud to say I can count in Polish now! Scott and I learnt this real hard, but yay! -- We did it. You can test me!!
Polish is real hard.. but for those who want to learn, I can try to teach you to count... but really, be prepared to tie your tongue into knots.
Goodbye in Polish is chestch :)
did you ask if there's pole dancers in poland?
yes if ur the pole :)
lmao, what if i found polar bear in poland ?:p
Im from Poland and if you like to ask we don`t have dinosaurs either ;)
PS: good luck with learning Polish language and don't trust stereotypes :]
I'm too from Poland and it was shock for me that foreigners think in Poland are Polar Bears xD
GL & HF :)
I'm suprised you were learned that 'one' (1) is 'raz' in Polish. Not true! It is 'jeden', not 'raz'. 'Raz' is the same as 'first' in English... Please Steve to correct this ;)
well you're wrong.
"Raz" means "once" but also it means "one" when youre counting and its like "once", "two", "three" etc. (its not an amount).
"First" is simply "pierwszy" (m) or "pierwsza" (f).
And "jeden" equals "one" when youre giving an amount of smth.
You are so sweet...
Did you know JOLA RUTOWICZ?
Wow, that was weird... Had all of you thought that there are polar bears in Poland? :D We are more like Italy, than Iceland, trust me ;) Average temp. is about 25 degrees in the summer and (it really depends here...) something like 0 to -10 in the winter. I assure you there is no chance to find a wild polar bear in Poland ;) It's funny to hear stuff like this, when you are living in country which it's about ;)
Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w Szczebrzeszynie - try this. ;)
I'm Polish but I live in UK - and this question is well, a hoax? :)
Although - everyone thinks that Poland is covered in snow for most of the year, and it's dead cold (which is not :)), freezing and unpleasant.
I don't know why :) - I find UK to be more cold and hard to live in (British weather sucks - they don't have real summer here :/)
However I admire your attempt to learn Polish - a tongue-twister isn't it? Kinda like Japanese ;p
Good luck :)
THERE R POLAR BEARS IN POLAND! But unfortunately, only in ZOO :). I always thought that Chinese language is hardest to learn, but if u have problems with polish... hm.. I think I'm surely can feel proudly that I'm speak polish :D
If u want to know anything about Poland, feel free to write to my email.
Best regards!
Spierdalajcie szmaty jebane
Of course we have polar bears in poland. There are pole dancers too. And who could forget about polaroids, polio, politics, police, pollies, poltergeists, polygamy. Every man in Poland plays polish roulete ones a week and do the polish bike riding every night. cheers
Your friend is yoking - i live in Poland and there are actually polar bears in my contry, only they live in mountain area, which is called 'Karpaty' in polish.
Yeah right, A polar bear in Poland would make me happy ;D
greets from poland
yesterday some polar bears stole my bike
i saw polar bear ones, honestly:)
in some crazy box with moving pictures inside, outsiders call it a TV, its quite new in Poland, because of communism it was restricted imperialistic propaganda tool:)
but since we have electricity we were able to polar bears, as a enemy of our nations:)
Actually we have some polar bears in the Zoo if that count :)
As maybe you know Polish is the most difficult lanugage in the world
check this:
how freakin dumb can u be even thinkin that there might be polarbears in poland?????????
Goodbye in Polish is "Do widzenia".
"Cześć" (as you pronounce tchesch ;p) means "Hi"
hi from Poland! :)
congratz on Your first discoveries of polish language and culture !
and a big Hi from Poland :D
Polska rulez! ;D nie znam za dobrze angielskiego, więc napiszę byle co, a wy i tak nie będziecie wiedzieli o co kaman hehe;P Jebać system! Stół z powyłamywanymi nogami! haha
Of course we HAVE polar bears in Poland. In zoos. But in forrests, we have about 6 (six) to 15 (fifteen) alive brown bears for the whole country.
Hi Everyone!
I'm from poland. I didn't expect that my language is so hard to learn. If you try to learn this language please try to learn not "official" polish language. You should learn our slang (nowomowa/slang/łacina podwórkowa :P) to comunicate with polish people. You should know how to say: "Whats up" (Siemano, Elo, Co tam), "Fuck" >>> have a look how many we have means of this word (Kurwa, Pierdolić, Pojebane, Wyjebane, Przejebane, Odjebane, Chuj, Szlag by to, Jebać...)etc.etc.etc or something like that. This should be more fun. I write this comment below in my language. Sorry for my english.
Cześć wszystkim!
Jestem z polski. Nie spodziewałem się, że mój język jest taki trudny do nauki. Jeśli staracie się uczyć polskiego języka proszę postarajcie się nauczyć "nieoficjalnego" języka. Powinniście poznać nasz slang by komunikować się z polakami. Powinniście wiedzieć jak powiedzieć "Siemano", "Kurwa" , lub coś w tym stylu. to powinno być bardziej zabawne. Przepraszam za mój angielski.
w Tokio mieszka Godzilla :D <- żart
a w Chinach jest kilkaset tysiecy niewolników dzieci pracujacych za miske ryzu <- nie żart :(
Świetny wpis, genialny humor :D
Nowadays its rather hard to find any kind of wild animals in Poland.
There might be a hare, deer or a hedgehog crossing a road, but dont expect anything else.
The truth is, you should be ashamed of how little you people know..
In our country we learn all freaking details about every country, culture, religion, we have to know at least one foreign language perfectly (generaly we are taught about two or three languages), we have to be good at computers, yet we cannot get a good paying job after graduating from the best universities.
How about Americans? Most of them cant even name the continents! And they think they rule the world, yeah, sure.
Besides that, they are shocked and unhappy when they find out, that english isnt the only language in the whole world.
Its the same with you, Asians. You say, you are busy, smart, hardworking people, but most of you cant even say a proper sentence in english, women are no good at housework (i know you earn much more then us but its not the reason to eat at bars few times a week!). There are lots of things i recall but its not the time for this.
You should learn more. Appreciate some certain things more.
Thats all I wanted to say.
On the board.. Is it really japanese? Symbols do look familiar, but I believe romaji spelling was a bit different..
Like ichi, nii, san, shii, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyuu, juu, or something like that..
Please correct me if I'm wrong..
oh hai der britchan has been talking aboot ur stupedness lulz
How does a bear know what apples is.
Ja tez jestem z Polski. Ale dlaczego nikt tu po polsku nie mowi?
If someone from Poland is a "Pole" you should call person from Holand a "Hole" ;]
Only such stupid and funny creatures as americans could think that polar bears live in Poland.
Maybe I'll give you a lesson about Poland. I've been to US and seen by myself that kids in Poland in basic school have often more knowledge than guys in highscools in US. It's really funny if you hear that in US they leanr about fractions and negative numbers in middle school :) LOL. In Europe - Poland is in Europe for your information :) people are simply smarter and don't claim that there are tigers running along Brodway in NY :)
Cheers cocksuckers! :)
try to say that:
w warmińsko-mazurskich chaszczach nie grasują białe niedźwiadki.
a pozatym to...
chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w szczebrzeszynie :P
roar, I'm from POLAND!
here is very frick'n frezee now, and sometimes storming!
white bear power!
Hi! I'm Polish but I live in Reykjavik in Iceland. All I want to say is Iceland is more green than Greenland. :) Winters are also much colder in Poland than in Iceland. Ok, maybe it's cold on the north of island but not in Reykjavik. And yes - there is lots of ice in Iceland, but i live there (now I'm in Poland for my summer wacations) for one year already and I didn't see any glacier so far. The snow is covering grass for one or two months in a year. Oh, there's something more! This summer one polar bear came to Iceland and policeman shot him. :/
Polish hard? Well... It's extremely hard in terms of declension etc. - I'm pretty sure it's *impossible to lear it on course or at school* (you have to spend years speaking this language to learn it, because the rules of declension and other sh*t are very complicated and there are tons of exceptions). But in terms of pronunciation it's not that hard, people who know English can learn most of the sounds pretty easy, some of them are hard, but they aren't essential
I know from where this confusion about Polar bears in Poland comes from...
People think that beacause of similarity of the names ie:
Poland - Pole - Polar... :D
Besides, one look at a map and some logic could tell you more about it...
take a look there's Polad in the center of europe, there's Germany right next to it... does anybody ever heard about polar bears in Germany ?! or maybe in Slovakia or Lithuania ?... so why the hell Poland O_o' ?
Polish hard? Well... It's extremely hard in terms of declension etc. - I'm pretty sure it's *impossible to lear it on course or at school* (you have to spend years speaking this language to learn it, because the rules of declension and other sh*t are very complicated and there are tons of exceptions). But in terms of pronunciation it's not that hard, people who know English can learn most of the sounds pretty easy, some of them are hard, but they aren't essential
Although I agree, it is still extremely difficult and most English speaking people in Australia at least do not come close to pronouncing a word correctly, at all, even after repeated attempts at trying and helping them. Good thing is people here are pretty laid back and can laugh at it themselves :)
Witam z Australii!
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