The Chinese say "Beat is care, Scold is love" - TRUE or NOT?
The Chinese have the saying, "Da si teng, ma si ai"... translated to "Beating someone is to care for someone and scolding someone is an expression of love..."
I've been thinking - how true is this statement? Is it just some old fart coming up with it and then making it "Fact" and using it as an excuse to use and abuse?
I feel it's an excuse under the guise of a wise adage. Beating and scolding are one of the baser and more direct, shock-type ways to educate and discipline. To attribute that to love is narrow-minded.
Ibandit: I totally agree with you. When parents discipline children it is out of love... but dun you agre sometimes parents hit out of anger? What's the fine line?
farinelli: what about the phrase: Spare the rod and spoil the child? Somehow I feel hitting a child as a form of discipline very much depends on a child's temperament. Some children need the soft approach, but with some you need to be firmer (?)
but i think what is more important is to "set the rules" right from the time they are young, regarding what can or cannot be tolerated.
i don't believe in sparing the rod. of course, always try to soft approach first. if it doesn't work, i guess caning works.
it worked for my sisters and i (my parents have 4 daughters and we are probably worse than boys.. haha) and if i were to let my kids in future climb over my head, my parents would cane them on my behalf instead! haha!
that said... i do agree that there is a fine line btwn disciplining and beating out of anger.
so i think all parents should practice yoga. it helps people to calm down u know. haha.
hahahahaha Oh Gosh ... Since I am much older I m in the generation that was educated under the beating/scolding law... It worked but I admit, painful way to learn limits, respect & LOVE.... Anyway... am I OLD UNCLE LAAA???? Gosh, heading to Butter Factory later to few younger hahahahahahaha, my fountain of youth in SG! Cheers & gr8 weekend to all of us!
I think it's only true with parents disciplining children. Anything else just doesn't seem right.
I feel it's an excuse under the guise of a wise adage. Beating and scolding are one of the baser and more direct, shock-type ways to educate and discipline. To attribute that to love is narrow-minded.
Ibandit: I totally agree with you. When parents discipline children it is out of love... but dun you agre sometimes parents hit out of anger? What's the fine line?
farinelli: what about the phrase: Spare the rod and spoil the child? Somehow I feel hitting a child as a form of discipline very much depends on a child's temperament. Some children need the soft approach, but with some you need to be firmer (?)
Seriously la, just one tight slap can liao. Children these days are just climbing over the heads of their parents.
i agree with arzhou...!!
but i think what is more important is to "set the rules" right from the time they are young, regarding what can or cannot be tolerated.
i don't believe in sparing the rod. of course, always try to soft approach first. if it doesn't work, i guess caning works.
it worked for my sisters and i (my parents have 4 daughters and we are probably worse than boys.. haha) and if i were to let my kids in future climb over my head, my parents would cane them on my behalf instead! haha!
that said... i do agree that there is a fine line btwn disciplining and beating out of anger.
so i think all parents should practice yoga. it helps people to calm down u know. haha.
Love literally hurts?!
hahahahaha Oh Gosh ... Since I am much older I m in the generation that was educated under the beating/scolding law... It worked but I admit, painful way to learn limits, respect & LOVE....
Anyway... am I OLD UNCLE LAAA???? Gosh, heading to Butter Factory later to few younger hahahahahahaha, my fountain of youth in SG! Cheers & gr8 weekend to all of us!
Hmmm.... I thought this has some semblance of BDSM in it? LOL.... So us Chinese may not be as asexual as we are perceived to be...
I am not for hitting children to be honest...
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