This shot freaked me out beyond belief... I won't comment much about it because it hurts to do so, but also because I'm still in a daze. Don't ask why but such things are NOT supposed to happen. No they are NOT supposed to happen, not in reality. Or is it just me? How can this be?
Isn't it supposed to be awkward? WHat do they have in common?... well, yea save for that...
HOKAY... I don't even want to think about it, really...
Have no idea of what the pic means to u ... but all I can say is:
"Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one"
Man this pic encompasses the last 7 years of my life... don't even ask.. :)
Answered... But may one last comment... before u put this post to the grave:
They have at least one, important, gorgeous, smart, clever, chic, fashionable thing in common:
ermmm.. you went out with both of them?
sorry, my pesudo-journalistic persona getting the better of me.
either that, or i make a really crappy forensic detective.
Brian Koh: spot on! I used to go out with both of them. Unreal rite? The one on the left is my 1st bf, the one on the right, my 2nd. (i've only had 2... thank the Lord)
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