I drew a picture of you in my mind
No you were not perfect, you didn't need to be
You just had to be you, just one of a kind
You didn't need to pretend, don't you see?
It was some kind of awesome, somewhat delectable
I continued to sketch, strokes aplenty
Each brush stroke, each shade, water soluble
Change as you want, you have the right to be free
He called my name & I spun 3-60
Hand knocked over my cup of coffee
Stale cold coffee over your picture, I'm sorry
Sorry he won't let me be
He's stolen my right to be free
I drew a picture of my tomorrow
Simple, sweet, serene as can be
It wasn't perfect but I didn't need to borrow
Someone else's memory
I don't need for perfection
There lies beauty in heartache
I don't need for protection
I learn from my scars, for goodness sake
He called my name & I spun 3-60
Hand knocked over my cup of coffee
Stale cold coffee over your picture, I'm sorry
I'm struggling to be free
I need time, can't you see?
I drew a picture of a decade ahead
Just us in a mini caravan, down the dirty road
Time heals all wounds, new plans are made
Our happy home, our humble abode
It didn't need to be flawless
It didn't need to be all made up
It didn't need to be effortless
It just needed to semi-fill the cup
He called my name & I spun 3-60
Hand knocked over my cup of coffee
Stale cold coffee over your picture, I'm sorry
But I brush aside the dampness
It doesn't matter if it's dirty or if its not meant to be,
I'm painting over the stains, to find my flicker of happiness
9eek 9oddess, 10th August 2007
hi Geek Goddess,
may i know wat is the name of characters u used on tis blog. the yellow gal and blue boy with love shape on both their body?
r tis created by u? or they r from some cartoon/comic?
Hi: the characters are pon & zi. No they are not created by me, but by an artist called Azuzephre :) You can check out www.ponandzi.com
Thx estee! ^^ :)
No probs, dear!
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