I was already running late and now, the east line being closed was not making things easier! Argh! I heard from beside me this lady said that their train had been delayed by an hour because someone jumped onto the tracks and get run over by the MRT train. Now they have no choice but to shut down the line and wait until she had been "cleared" off the tracks for investigation.
I was so sorry when I heard this. No so much because this disruption would make me late, much much more so that someone had found life so intolerable that living was more painful than the thought of getting your body run over by a train.
I stood there for a couple of minutes, staring blank, rooted to the ground, my body went cold. The world started to spin round and round, I started to breathe harder. Some cop had to break this sorry news to her family, assuming she had one.
What is it that pushes us off the limit, to take our own lives? In ACJC, the girl killed herself supposedly over bad results. Then sometimes before I left for the states, this guy was at the top of some engineering building in NUS going to jump down - reason being he was heartbroken. Are results and love valid reasons to die for? What makes a reason valid?
Different people have different tolerance levels for pain so what makes a reason for dying "valid"? Why do out thresholds vary? I can remember a couple of times in my life where I thought dying was better than staying alive in pain but what made me not even consider taking my life? The truth? I really think that the "aftermath" of death would be terrible. I think of my dad, mum and sister, plus friends mourning my death. I think my parents would be very upset and hurt. That is more painful than anything else. So whatever and however painful things are, I don't want to leave a trail of destruction for the people I love...
Nonetheless, I wish the family of the deceased well, may God bless them and comfort them..

Notice that such MRT incidents are not being reported in the mainstream media? Clementi MRT had a similar incident about 3 wks back.
But yea... Hope the family of the deceased stays strong. Suicide is pointless.
The mainstream media stop reporting these suicide cases because there is a trend of copycat after the story was reported.
People jump in MRT track to convey a message that there are poor people who no longer can affort the stress and tyranny of Singapore's society and ruthless selfishness of Lee's regime.
The newspaper not reporting such thing is to deny such state has already occur. ST is indeed the dog'pooh of PAP.
its really sad, the state of things. I just wonder how it would be different if problems were easily solved... if only...
But yea the media hides a lot of such incidents...
I had just finished a meeting with a client at Raffles Place and heading back to the office by train when I saw the notice that there was a delay between Tampines and Pasir Ris stations.
Somehow I immediately knew that there was a suicide at one of those stations.
Yes, it's sad to know that people would take their own lives, but it's rather difficult to understand what sort of pain they were going through to drive them to seek such a shortcut out of their problems.
Those of us who have never encountered the very worst that life can throw at you might never know, I guess.
It's actually been reported, but with little info...
to have someone committing suicide at a time so near the "celebrated" national day... well... says something abt the kinad life we're having here...?
cloudywind: I think not only doe it say a lot, it literally screams for attention!
I was there too. I felt cruel thinking that way, but I couldn't help but get pissed. The ONE DAY I had to go Pasir Ris and this woman screws my life up for me. Thanks woman.
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