I cannot imagine getting married now - NO - that's a scarey thought. I don't have the $$$, don't have the education (still stinking undergrad) and don't have the ability to plan for such a big day.
Sarah Ma, my ex JC classmate, I hear, has moved to Jacksonville, FLorida to be with her husband. And this kick-ass girl was the epitome of girl power back then, and the last person I'd imagine to fall into the temptation of walking down the red carpet in a gown!
No, don't be mistaken, I absolutely support the sanctity of marriage 100%, I think it's a beautiful commitment and act of love but 23 years old is a tad bit too young , No? Then again my mother got engaged to my dad at like 19, and by my age was already carrying around a big fat very ready to explode belly containing what we might consider to be a young human being.
23 years old and getting married. I'm scared. Scared because marriage is SOOOO far away, like at LEAST LEAST LEAST a couple of years or more and second, oh my god, that means you're OLD. OLD mature people get married, I think I'm just tooo childish to be able to call myself a wife. That freaks me OUT.
Is it just me, or is 23 really OK, assuming you've found the right person?
Nonetheless, for those of you who share my sentiments, here are the top 10 reasons why you should NOT get married, for now at least. But in a couple of years if you still are harbouring thoughts of singlehood, then you better hook up fast...

1. Think of all the debts you could pay off with that 10 GRAND you dropped on ONE DAY.
2. You will be too drunk to remember it, so all that time and planning goes to waste.
3. Everyone is secretly cursing your marriage and finding fault with your relationship, so why do you want to buy them an expensive meal and provide them with an open bar?
4. Your $2,000 wedding dress could feed an entire village of starving children, OR YOU COULD WEAR IT FOR ONE DAY.
5. That rock on your finger is evidence of bloodshed in the diamond mines.
6. Instead of a down payment on a home, you have a down payment on an article of clothing. Good luck raising your kids in between the white layers of taffeta.
7. Does the word “forever” mean anything to you? F O R E V E R! You're officially trapped.
8. Months, years, of planning are over in 8 hours or less.
9. No matter how much “product’ the salon puts in your hair, it will still fall by reception's end and you will look like Medusa rather than the put-together Mrs. Blank you wish to be.
10. You’ve been found guilty of creating a gift registry. It’s the social equivalent of being outed as a greedy, needy, brat. You’ve actually sent your friends and family on a “scavenger hunt” for your most wanted possessions… shouldn’t “the one,” be enough for you???
i agree with you i'm 23 too. It's really too early to get married. Don't get yourself into trouble. We are still young
Nothing wrong with getting married at 23 yar? It probably is a function of the stage at which society is at. Usually the more developed a country, there is a tendency for people to get married later. After all if you look at the average age at which most Singaporean guys leave university, they are already 25 -26. Unless you get married in university, but that is rather rare.
But one must also see the other side of the coin. Wait too long and get "left on the shelf" :p
Glare: Yeah, slow and easy wins the race yea? Just make sure you aren't a wrinkled prune in time...
Arzhou: left on the shelf, that's very painful too.. hee
LOL one of my friends never wants to get married ever because he's a property agent and usually most of his customers are selling due to divorce..
Highwayblogger: That's the first time I've heard that, man and that depresses me!
My Wifey was 23 when I married her last year.
I guess I work differently. Most people will want to get a good career before settling down.
For me, now that I settled down, I have one less thing to worry about and can cheong on my career. And still more time for my wife after work hours (as I'm staying with her).
To each their own bah.
Nice 10 reasons nonetheless, Estee. ^_^
shingo t: That is a predominant theme amongst highly effective people and entrepreneurs. One less thing to worry about - time to go for the gold. But we have also seen highly successful people have dismal marriage records. Oh well...
shingo: whatever works for you, it's not that I'm against early marriage, I just think it's scarey. But maybe cuz I've never come that close to someone before to know I wanna get married - all a matter of perspective I guess...
Mic: 2 sides to a coin, as to everything.. :) See ya later!
hmm, so you find marriage scary or you find marrying at 23 is scary?
If you find marriage scary, well i guess it is something like a written/official commitment, something like the "reason" there to keep the couple from separating. It may be good thing, can be bad thing. You can divorce unless you get married.
If you are scared of it at 23, then... how old do you want to continue working until your kids are old enough to feed themselves and look after you at the same time?
i was going to get married at 21 and I'm glad I didn't. Marriage is for the rest of your life; it's a really huge deal! I would like to get married but I think now that I'm older (and hopefully wiser), I guess I'm happy to wait for the right one. Although I think traditionally, there's more pressure on females to get settled esp with the 'ol biological clock ticking... heh heh
Most of the reasons listed are reasons not to have a WEDDING not reasons to not get married (You can choose to just ROM quietly without throwing a banquet =P) but it's hilarious anyway =)
Lol... life is unpredictable. You never know wat u r going to get next... n it sure helps to have a partner n baby or two... Lol.
The most adopt a baby lor, worst come to worst. but indeed, no man is an island!
only people in Utah are dumb enough to get married that young
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