Diary of an NUS 9eek 9oddess

I've come to learn that there are certain secrets to passing NUS exams. I have the right to say this because this is my freaking 5th year in school! I have learnt that there are a few must haves.. They aren't guarantees to pass exams, but they highly increase your chances of success.

Find out here!!!

1) COFFEE -- to help you keep those droopy eyelids open. Best if you down so much that your fingers start to jitter. Don't ever drink decaf - defeats the purpose.

2) Postits -- helps you take notes and remind you of small points you need to remember. Yu can try sneaking them into the exams hall but I wouldn't advice that. Not worth it.

3) Laptop -- you need to study from a laptop, so you can blog and bitch when ur bored. Yes laptops can be a distraction but all work and no play makes Jack a dull and freaking NERDY boy..

4) Scared shit look -- yes believe it or not, you need it. If you're not worrying about exams, you either are damn well prepared or you can't be bothered anymore. The former really just doesnt apply to the majority of us, so put on that SCARED SHIT LOOK and start mugging and burning the midnight oil while you can...

Incidentally I think the SCARED SHIT LOOK motivates you to study harder... makes u feed on adrenaline...

Oh well, but what do I know... *sigh*


Anonymous said...

fwah..all the best man...exams bites man...ugggh!!

So lets say I do feel your pain... :P

eStee said...

exam not only bites, it kicks sucks and STINKS!

nadnut said...

jiayou babe! hugs

Anonymous said...

You forgot the toothpicks to prop your eyelids open.

Good luck! :)

ZB said...

distracting leh the laptop, but i do it also... :p blog and 'study' at the same time.

eStee said...

nad: thanks man!!! :( I want this to all be over!!

Skylar: yah man toothpicks are essential, also a noose hanging around the fan just in case u can't take it..

esther: laptop distracting but without it, I'd rather be dead... need laptop!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just write whatever formulas that come to mind. Confirm plus guarantee plus stamp chop that you will get at least a C+

Anonymous said...

aahh nice tip

i have have scared shitless here everyday at ntu. fyp year! haha

Anonymous said...

Hey Estee,

I am just wondering how you manage to embed the Imeem icon in your side bar (which is shorter than the actual length of the Imeem icon). Did you modify the Imeem code such that the "volume icon" is not seen?

Can you teach me how to do it? thanks thanks!

- KL

eStee said...

crispyfries: thanks for the tip. wah my CAP will plummet if follow ur tip man! :P

author: i am shitless now. white and shitless. serious.

KL: Hi , I didnt modify anything, haha I have no idea how to code. I just copy and paste the code only. I guess it could be that my template from blogger limits the length of the imeem bar? Not sure alsom but basically I just copy and paste -- didn't mod anything...

Anonymous said...

Cap doesnt matter when u r in the 5th year. Wrinkles and Dark eye bags do.

eStee said...

crispyfries: no CAP matters man... this yr I'm hanging by a thread to keep my honours class!! Boo hooo! U want to study for me?

Anonymous said...

I'm all done, I'm all done...hahahhahahahah But gambatte, babe! Don't get distracted ok? Also, I find Black V is the best...It's like double strength redbull. Hee


Anonymous said...

p.s: If all else fails, you bat your (fake) eyelashes at your lecturer, shrug so your cleavage is enhanced and smile helplessly... There has to be some advantage to feminine wiles.


Anonymous said...

last hurdle b4 hols, jiayou ... btw author is uncle sha btw, me! :)

Anonymous said...

Sure. U take my paper on monday. When's urs?

eStee said...

uncle sha: haha i just checked out ur post on the nose diggers! Love it! haha show they are human and fulla' shit too!

crispyfries: min starts on Friday, Monday, Wed and Thurs!! 4 papers in alL!!!! BAH!!!!! Good luck for yours I cant take your for you, Ill get u expelled!

YeePei said...

You will be alright! Don't get too stressed up about it... trust me, you will be fine!! Heehee...

Btw, what are you studying??

And to end off... ALL THE BEST!!! (I really think you'll do alright...)

eStee said...

hello yeepei! I'm studying for 4 psychology modulessss!!!!!! :)

uzyn said...

For awhile I was wondering what pos tits are. I thought you were trying to be funny.

Haha. All the best in your exams, estee!

eStee said...

aha uzyn.. u thot i mean something to do with tits? haha dirty dirty..

I mean 3M post-its. The sticky icky pads! (not mensuration pads though...)

Ok this is getting worse and worse.. well u get my drift!!!!

Good luck to me! and you too!!! Although from what I remember u grad alr...

Anonymous said...

All the best for your exams.

If you want the easy way out, just look at past year papers for a pattern. More often then not, if the lecturer does not change you can predict the style or feel of a paper. You can sort of guess the focus of the lecturer

It worked for me for 3.5 years in NUS :p

If you enjoy doing things the hard way, just go MUGGING POWER MAX. Its really simple, just dun sleep. :p

Andrew S. said...

maybe you need to photoshop some bags under your eyes too! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

5) make-up!

haha! is that make-up that im spotting?! must look pretty even when mugging right! :P


eStee said...

Adrian: haha.... most of the mods I take first time in NUS and some of the lecturers first time step foot in Singapore... what to do...

Andrew: eye bags? I had to photoshop them offff!!!

eStee said...

Jayden: your the 2nd person commenting about the make up already. I had a shoot with NewMan that morning, so just threw on my jammies when i got back, didn't bother to remove the glitter!!!

Funny thing is that both the people that noticed were GUYS!!! Is it some SNAG thing? haha... anyway u better buy Jan's issue of NewMan! :)

Unknown said...

You forgot to include the KLKK-ing (Kia Lai Kia Kng or walking around), well that's what I used to do during exam periods after being stuck in a chair for hours... ;)

Anonymous said...

Usually if it is a new lecturer, they tend to be more lenient in terms of marking and exam standard as they need to "Test water". This is based on historical data. Yea I analyse past year papers and co-relate it to when there is a new lecturer.

Of course you never know when a lecturer will try and be funny. Best solution is still to prepare well.

eStee said...

Walter: I love the KLKK-ing thing... yes I ALWAYS DO IT!!! hahaha

Adrian: :( lucks to u!

nadnut said...

haha i noticed the makeup too! newman?! which issue? ill buy and support!

Anonymous said...

Its ok, I dun need luck :)

eStee said...

Nad: Jan's issue.. under the feature "what women want"...

adrian: ok, thats good then, cuz with or without luck ull ace it. ur adrian zhou.

Bill Claxton said...

Shouldn't it be "Diary of an 9US 9eek 9oddess"? Triple nines!

PS- Old student exam trick, stay cool, let your girlfriend do the freaking and she'll pester you to 'do your best'. Works wonders if she's willing to buy donuts and coffee anytime of night. She must avoid cuddling (9eek 9irls are great at this).

eStee said...

Bill, your comments made me laugh out loud... sounds like something that happened to you during your youth...

being pampered by all the chicks and showered with attention. Chicken essence sent to your door step at the slightest whimper...

oh well, thats the good thing about being a charmer right.. Bill you know best! :)

Anonymous said...

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