Calling ALL single girls of all age, race, size, height etc., I officially announce to one and all, JUNKANG, my very good looking friend who is currently single and VERY eligible. From the photo, you can see he looks like Singapore's very own Nicholas Tse!!
Now Ng Junkang, age 26 is searching for the one... and as I can tell is very very very jaded. From my most recent conversation with him on Saturday, he was busy at work (yes it was a Saturday!!!) and told me work would end in the evening!
Dear me dear my, this guy needs a dampsel in distress to save - and NOW!-
Quote: I work on weekends because I have to and have to rake in the cash
Quote 2: I have no life lah!
Quote 3: My plan is to work real hard, get a lot of money and then find my one true love at 55

Oh and for the record, did I mention that he has his fair share of unglam moments too? (he's human la!!! )

E-mail teo.estee(at)gmail(dot)com for more details... You can help save a life .. and he can save yours! Girls ONLY please...
definitely gonna award u the most active matchmaker award! =)it's a blessing to have u ard indeed!
:) Raine.. see u tmr at great world city 630. Got new friends to intro you :)
I think you just effectively killed off all his chances with this post...
I agree with anonymous, it has more negative impact than good.
Out of curiosity, why is the hot geek goddess not taking him for herself first?
Try advertising on Mocca bah. ^_^
shingo... yes mocca might be a good avenue.. he can do a striptease pole dance~
100% male!
Esther has obviously fallen for him after their introductory meeting last night...
the wonders of Estee...and how she can manipulate what you say.
-.- 2x
I am manipulative and very very vindictive.. muahahaha
You call that 100% man? Good Looking???
hawt like hell lor..
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