I chose it, he chose it
I bite my lip, he spills the drink
All over the floor,
The diet coke flows like
Blood from a dead carcass,
Mercury on ice
I chose it, he chose it
2 separate roads never converging
All over his fields
The blood stains splatter
He has never been loved
Spurned from the very start
I chose it, he chose it
I know how warmth breath feels
Fingertips stroking the skin
But she took her life
Because she rather be dead
I chose it, he chose it
2 very different people
One with strawberry glasses
One with sordid heart
I chose the former
I chose it, he chose it
2 very different outcomes
Both hungry for love
One dumped and ditched
Because I seal my lips
I chose it, he chose it
I super glue the crevices
They leak and threaten to burst at the hinges
It rumbles and rolls, it takes a toll
On the ones we love
I chose it, he chose it
PT is the flavor of the game
Spurned twice, no thrice
The number grows,
When will u understand
I chose it he chose it
It's truly silly how
We use words and the number game
And I'm sorry, sorry for saying
That PT is the name of the game
I chose it, he chose it
He is determined
I see through the weakness
The cracks on the wall
From all his past hurts
I chose it, he chose it
The blood boils over
It bubbles and burns
But she's with him
Love's your gravest sin
and hate doesn't really matter
hate is a larger sin! ironically, either way u lose
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