What does your blog rate compare to top bloggers? PG13, M18 or R(A)?


OMG, can you believe that is my blog rating??? Is your blog only suitable for matured audience? What would your parents say if they read your blog? Is your younger sister reading when she's not supposed to? This program rates your blog on the number of expletives you use and how you use them. Find out how your blog rates when you click the above link.

My rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • DEATH (3X)
  • HELL (2X)
  • SUCK (1X)

Just to give you a comparison, Xiaxue's blog rates

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This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • FUCKING (25X)
  • FUCK(7X)
  • SEX (6X)
  • SLUTTY (3X)
  • VAGINA (2X)
  • STEAL (1X)
Kenny Sia's blog is clean too!

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This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • SEX (2X)
  • CRAP (1X)

He's clean too man! ARE YOU??


Shingo T said...

PG rating for my blog. =(


eStee said...

thats's good keep squeaky clean! ur mom wud be proud! hehe

Anonymous said...

PG PG for mine! :)

eStee said...

PG is good! U all guai kias!

Unknown said...

I just put your URL in and it came back "R".

eStee said...

I know man.. seriously. I just R(A)ed my blog with this post! aha

Anonymous said...

what does verbalvalium rate man?

Anonymous said...

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