this is as good as it gets.. want to meet batman, he might be just a road away... Seriously if I were this guy, I don't know whether to laugh of cry...
coolmrsoftie: okies cool, will continue to read your blog so do update it!!! N u should be using some other bloghost so u can run ads! Ur blog is pretty entertaining!
hahaha wtf..batman i here!!
:) retarded right... actually quite cool la the name.
is that for real real?
hafriz: yes that's for real real..this dude is javanese!
ahhhhhhh.... he stay in a cave or he's from krypton??? ok.. a cave in krypton... O.O
haha, thanks for the cred, althought actually, it should go to my site's co-author :D
The parents must be fans of D.C Comics. Hahaha.
joshuaongy: not sure where he stays but I sure hope he has a bat mobile!
coolmrsoftie: who is ur site co author?
junhao: either that, or they sure have a sense of humour
that guy looks like FLUX!!!
of all the people u pick me...why?? why ???
oh, that's Yongshun one of my close colleagues in my workplace :)
He's the YS u see commenting in a lot of my posts, and the one who posts most of the quirky shit i have :p
anyways, it's quite easy to distinguish our posts; we have very different writing styles :D
coolmrsoftie: okies cool, will continue to read your blog so do update it!!! N u should be using some other bloghost so u can run ads! Ur blog is pretty entertaining!
aw... thanks!
i'm movin as soon as i can finally activate my new address actually, urg...
coolmrsoftie: hurrryyy!
if u didn't already know, the new address is now active haha!
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