You go out with your friends and he thinks you're going out with some other guy. Even if it's just for a while, he can't seem to trust you... or let you out of his sight.. I HAVE THE ANSWER FOR YOU!
Well, on the flip side, for that matter, jealousy probably can also be tagged to your girlfriend (if your a male and reading this), but in your case, unfortunately, I can't explain why...
I used to have a bf who got jealous very easily. I remember I couldn't even so much as talk to his friends without getting accused for flirting. Perhaps then I was young - yes only 17 - and thinking that I was invincible. Sometimes, his petty little tantrums about my apparent flirtatiousness got me irked, especially if it lead to a full blown fight. But at the back of my mind I didn't mind too much -- at least to me, it was a sign of love. Yes, I know I'm warped but how you you know if your bf loves you if he doesn't give a flying ratsass about you hanging out with "competitors"?
Then my 2nd bf was pretty lasaire fair - but this is a totally new blog page/chapter altogether...
Now let's go on to explain your bf's jealousy...
A recent report on BBC news on the 12 March this year claimed that studies showed that...
Short men 'are the most jealous
Yup, you heard/read me right...
** disclaimer: by short I'm assuming it means short as in height and not otherwise...***
Spanish and Dutch researchers quizzed 549 men and women to rate how jealous they felt and to identify the qualities that made them feel the most insecure.
Men felt most nervous about attractive, rich and strong rivals, but the taller ones were the most relaxed, the New Scientist magazine reported.
Women were most jealous of others' beauty and charm - with short and tall women the most jealous.
Average-height women, while being the least jealous, were mostly likely to feel insecure by women who were of a different height.
Jealousy is a type of fear
The report, produced by the universities of Groningen and Valencia, said women with average height tended to be more fertile and healthy and, as a result, would be unlikely to be jealous of women with similar attributes.
Instead, the researchers added, the findings showed they would be more jealous of taller women possessing masculine features such as physical dominance and social status.
Meanwhile, the report, originally featured in the journal of Evolution and Human Behaviour, said taller men may be less jealous because male height is associated with attractiveness, dominance and reproductive success.
The researchers said the animal kingdom illustrated this where larger males were likely to win fights and obtain dominance and monopolise access to females.
They said in humans height was one of the first features others notice and was therefore associated with status.
They pointed to previous research which showed taller men were likely to be more successful in their careers, earn more and have more attractive girlfriends.
How Fertilie R U?
Lead researcher Abraham Buunk said this research now showed that taller men enjoyed psychological advantages as well.
"The present findings suggest that height may have important psychological consequences."
But psychologists said there were other factors that played a role in jealousy.
Simon Gelsthorpe, of the British Psychological Society, said: "Jealousy is a type of fear. It is about being afraid you are going to lose someone you love.
"One of the key components is self-esteem and obviously height is related to this but then so may other characteristics such as baldness.
"Another key element is how strong the relationship is."
In my opinion, I think a bit of jealousy is better than none at all. At least he notices you.
I definitely need the female version of this blog post, change jealous to "insecure". Thanks Estee! =)
"In my opinion, I think a bit of jealousy is better than none at all. At least he notices you."
well, true... but depends on level of intensity, though... LOL!
Janelle - **
so what about your current bf? is he easily jealous?
daryl: jealous and insecure have 2 very different meanings, but i somehow agree that its more apt for "jealous" to be used on guys and "insecure" to be used on girls. Guys can be too ego to have the word "insecure" tagged on them. Somehow, "jealous" has a more macho tone..
chantelle: intensity is important, I agree. If not he becomes a stalker!
boss stewie: Are you trying to insinuate that he is short?
yeah. a little of jealousy is good. lo. but not TOO much or it might seem ur too controlling lol xD
haha.. estee your answer to boss's question... :p
ginny: yea when he becomes a stalker, then ur in trouble, girl!
Esther: :) haha... but if u were wondering, that guy is as secure as secure can be. 0_o ... put it better, I'm as trustworthy as trustworthy can be...
Lo.. short men are most likely to be jealous.. I lol'ed at that!
i was thinking of the other "short" actually..hahaha..yeah a lil bit of jealousy wont hurt just dont go overboard.
dom: this is scientifically proven; I didn't make it up!
flux: thats y I has a disclaimer that short here means height, not length!
Hmm..i think it's quite bf never get jealous if i go out with guy friends..and he is tall...
camouflage: :) lucky u!
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