Geek Goddess Show Episode 2 - My after thoughts

Yes! Episode 2 is here!!! check it out! This time, we want to let viewers know that we're listening and we've made minor tweaks to reflect more of what viewers want. The session is all about china based video, venture funds raising pertaining to these mega video sharing sites as well as we share insights on how to clone a facebook of your own! :)

And finally we read your emails!!!!!!!! :)

This episode was quite tough for me to film as my exams was a couple of days away. As you can see, I'm pretty stressed. Plus on the day of filming, well, it was Mother's Day!!! So we had to chop chop culli pok film so I could head to my granny's birthday cum mother's day celebration.

I'm glad exams are over.... and I'm officially a graduate!!! yay!!!! Means no more NUS! But then again... I'm filled with a tinge of sadness - no more 3 day weeks ;( and this marks a new chapter of my life....

Part of me is happy but part of me really never wants to grow up for some reason. There is this liberation with being a child forever, the freedom, the lack of responsibilities, the late night MSN chats and the sleeping in. Then again, I'm excited at the prospects of starting this new chapter. It's really bittersweet....

Any one of you guys just graduated as well? What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Tudou doesn't do it for me most of its movies clips are of crappy quality...

eStee said...

eric: i use tudou to catch missed episode on tvs, can even catch serials not shown on tv!

Anonymous said...

good pace here estee. much much better!

eStee said...

sam: thanks, hopefully well improve more!!!

Anonymous said...

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