9eek 9oddess' GRADUATION PICS!!!

Yes finally. Pics from my graduation! Funny how it wasn't exciting to me anymore. Since I started work about 2 months back, it seemed like life has moved on... in quiscence.

Me and my batchmates

Time has crept up on me, I thought I would miss school life... but perhaps sometimes there is too much to think of that I hardly miss it. Perhaps once and again when my mind begins to wander, I reminisce about the days I wake up in the afternoon, and wile the day away with not a care in the world.

Yes, I was once of those "pontang kias".... which proves that you don't have to necessarily attend classes to do well in school. A lot is personal effort. *but don't tell ur mother I said that, or take my word for it...*

These are of course a number of people I'd like to thank:

1) GOD - without whom nothing is possible.

2) My parents

Mummy & I

Daddy & I

3) My professors!

Especially Dr. Eddie Tong... my mostest favourite-est professor!!!!

Valerie and I showing our "psychological muscles"!

4) Ming

Who "influenced" me to study hard despite spending so much time with him.... but we actually how how much time I really had left for studying after all the time with him... He says he passed me his intelligence.... *rolls eyes*

Here, I'm between 2 Mings. Both my favourite Mings in the world. Mr. Ming Shen and Mr. Ming Wei. :) All of us go a looooooooong way back!

5) My Super Uber Duper class/batch mates!!

Shawn And I

Jeremy and I

Val, Lynn & I

Lynn and I

Val and I again...

Gabriel, Raymond, Me & Val

Esp to Raymond, who coloured my undergrad life... yes he was always so uber funny and being so freaking out of the box. Guess what, on graduation night, during the ceremony, he actually slapped high five to our dean. How cool is that. The rest of us were B-O-R-I-N-G....

With that said, there prolly are a thousand people I've missed, but it's just pretty uncanny to think that school life is over and done with and I've transited into the corporate world.



Anonymous said...

Gratz on graduation :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I wish mine was sooner!

DK said...


eStee said...

arzhou, dk, dennis: thanks man.. it's beeennn wayyy tooooo long ins school!

LilMeJo said...

Congrats darling...

Anonymous said...

ARghhhhhhh. Why am I still stuck in stinky school. Thesis! Write thyself!

eStee said...

:) hang in there guys!!

eStee said...

:) hang in there guys!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIOn! Finally a that piece of cert after years of battling!:) hehe All the best

eStee said...

simpleu: yes finally is really the best word to use!!!

Anonymous said...

hey congrats :)

Here's my pic for this monumental occasion :)


cAmOuFLagE said...


Ohkulala said...

congratulations!!! i'm sure it was a very proud day for you. my graduation is coming up and looking at your pictures, i'm more excited than ever!

eStee said...

okualala: congrats to u in advance!

camouflageL thank u u!

Anonymous said...

Congeas Estee

Time to rock the world *smiles*

farmville alex said...

congrats on your graduation
from alex wong in singapore

imblogger@sh ™ said...

congrats ...

Anonymous said...


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