Yes, no surprise, but I'm in Hong Kong now. For what, you ask. Ok you nosey little parker, I'm here for HP's "Engage, Excite, Experience" regional press event.
What's this event about? Well, hold your horses... it only starts on Tuesday so I'll be giving you updates on what's new and what's passe..
and yes that's my terribly bulky luggage...
When Melvin called me about 3 weeks back to ask me if I was keen to come on this trip, I was excited, but apprehensive -- reason being... having to take 3 days off work might be quite a mean feat (plus imagining all the work you have to "play catch up" with )..
But nonetheless, I did need a short break to recharge, so I decided to jump at the chance!
So here I am in Hong Kong. Flight departed at 830AM this morning (Monday)... and I touched down at 1230PM. Mum and Dad fetched me to the airport really early in the morning so we decided to have breakfast together before I left. At this place called "WANG" -- well its just like YAKUN, basically.
By 8AM, I found myself shuffling hurriedly to the boarding gate.... B8... (my boarding gates are always miles away from the entrance gates)... passport (check), luggage (check), laptop (check), camera (double check!)
TAAADDDDAAAA!!! My crappy seat, 38D. I really wanted a window seat but, I guess aisle seat is the price for coming late. Call me childish but I absolutely LOVE window seats. They are the best, I never miss a plane taking off. Day or night, haze or not, it's spectacular, the thrill and fluttering stomach.... each and every time.
Too bad this time around, didn't have to chance to have a window seat. If Ming were here with me, and I'd be fighting with him over the Aisle seat, if either of us got one...
I met this great guy on the plane, which made my flight a sure pleasure. Basically, we talked all 2.5 to 3 hours of the entire flight. So being the very nosey kaypo I am, of course I asked him if he was going for business (no i was not hitting on him, silly, but he was kind enough to lend me his straits time ok!). Felix is the fashion buyer of AGNES B. (prounounced as agnias bay). Yea, I just found that out too...
So what he does is flies around to HK, Tokyo, Paris to buy clothes for the following season.
WHAT THE HELL, what can be a better job than getting paid to SHOP!????!
But apparently I found out that it's nto as simple as shopping, there are many things to look out for other than having a keen interest and understanding in the industry, you also have to have a great eye for forecasting fashion... and knowing what your clients want. Anyway, any of you keen, it's mid to high end tier stuff, with their largest branch at Raffles City... (apparently their bags are gorgeous and not the price of your LV)...
I love talking to new people, especially people from other industries. The more you talk to ransom people, the more you realize what you don't know... and the more you know you need to learn.
I love talking to new people, especially people from other industries. The more you talk to ransom people, the more you realize what you don't know... and the more you know you need to learn.
Some pics of the housing along the way. It's funny how the old dirty building on the right juxtaposes the pink building on the left. Seems like most of the housing is really expensive but they look unbelievably run-down from the outside, like going to rip into bits any mo.
When we reach the hotel, I get this really nice package with the agenda for the HP press event and some name tag to help identify myself. Basically, the conference starts tomorrow (tues), so I get the whole of Monday to roam free like a kampong chicken.
I was really excited to have a look at the room (Melvin says its awesome) and it really was! I have a small desk to myself, my flat screen TV,
Thankfully, the weather wasn't too bad, a tad bit hot, but OK. 28-32 deg cels.
... and my mini bar!!!
Wanted to take a short nap, but didn't want to miss too much of the shopping so headed out immediately for a short meal with Melvin, then came back, checked emails, smsed my mum to let her know I was still alive... then headed off to meet Mr. Ben :)
Ben's my friend from NUS, also from SHEARES HALL. Now Mr. Ben is one of the high flyers working for JP Morgan... and he sweetly volunteered to bring me around (since I didn't exactly have an agenda for the day). I did walk around Mongkok myself but basically, it was pretty boring. The shops weren't fab and I didn't manage to buy anything save for some man U memorabilia... that's all.
So I was really excited to meet Mr. Ben, I haven't seen him in quite some time... quite miss the times he used to come visit me in my room and chat until the early morning about war craft strategies and like shit about life....
Will keep you in suspense about my HK Savior and the awesome places he brought me to until tomorrow cuz I'm really beat now. Got back and chatted until close to one, just walked him out of the room, simply bushed.
Stay tuned! :) Missing u all here !XOXOXO!
"I really wanted a window seat but, I guess aisle seat is the price for coming late. Call me childish but I absolutely LOVE aisle seats. They are the best, I never miss a plane taking off."
Don't you mean you love window seats?
Gosh.. ultra good life sia =P
Anonymous: yes i guess I was inebriated that night... hhaha not really.
Gene: good life, but its back to the real world soon. Stay tuned for the HP event updates though.. thats the cool part.
I must say that's quite an impressive mini bar!
i tot is agna bay. so its agnias bay
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