Hello, Hello world. Sharing you pics and snippets of the Gillette Blogger's Event held on 8th November!!! Yes, it was a meet and greet + preview screening of Bond Movie with a mish mash S'pore's top bloggers from their different niches! :)

When I was first asked to held co-ordinate Gillette's very first blogger's meetup, I was pretty excited. Afterall, I have always been on the other side -- being invited for the events. But this time, it was opportune for me as I got to assist the Gillette Team in coordinating one! Wooots!
Of course, as for every event, the planning stage is the tough one, where Edwin (Gillette External Relations Manager) and I started throwing out ideas and debating on how and where to hold an event... the planning started like 3 months prior to the event and since my basic job function isn't in marketing or external relations, it was a great learning experience for me to work with colleague of other functions which I would rarely have gotten to work with...
Nonetheless, I would love to share with you snippets of the event and of course the sizzling hot pics :)

The event was a brunch buffet held at Serenity Restaurant in Vivocity, mingling, followed by a preview GOLD CLASS screening of the newly opened Bond Movie (Quantum of Solace). Edwin and I chose the movie because we thought that Gillette, since it represented the best a man could get... we thought that it really epitomised the "BOND" character, being suave, clean shaven... yet surviving thru the "close shaves"...
What would any event be without our most popular bloggers, whose blogs we religiously read everyday???
Anyways, pre the event, I made personalised envelopes as well as hand wrote little notes in the ticket sleeves...

Inclusive of nametags and the like (as seen here with Winnie happily modeling them)!

Registration started at 11am, where our distinguished guests started to stream in... and that's when the gang from Gillette started to get BUUUUSSSYYY...

Thanks to the many bloggers who so kindly obliged to show up for this event... some to mention are Krisandro (with gf Leshane)...

but not long after, they devolved back to the basics, of trigger happy-ing their cams... smart of me to also bring the polaroid, for sure!!!

I love the way polaroids make us turn into giggling kids, and I just love to SHAKE IT LIKE A POLAROID PICTURE :)... shake it, shake shake shake it... :)

Not long after, we had to scoot off to the movie screening. I was pretty excited for the show, since I am quite a Bond fan... but let's talk about the movie some other time. Bottomline: it sucked BIG time. Bond movie but no gadgets!!!! HUH???!!?

There were a couple of other bloggers who came e.g Sheylara and partner, but I didn't manage to snap any pics them for some reason... hrrmph...


2. Answer 3 questions in the form of True/False questions.
3. Complete the slogan and then mail in the completed accompanying contest forms.
Closing date for entries is Wednesday 31st December 2008, so huuurrrryyy! The 5 participating outlets are Fairprice Hougang Point, Watsons Tampines Mall, Carrefour Suntec City, Guardian West Mall and Mustafa.
Go get your shaver now! For until the month of end of Dec 08, the razors are $5 offf... fwah, kiasu Singaporeans, this is a g8 chance to GRAB la!!! Plus... get a chance to win that spanking new car and the shaving experience of your life... what do you have to lose?
oh gosh. Geek Goddess initially reminds me of someone else.
Turned out it's an old friend's email. beh.
hope u aren't disappointed!!!
Wah, why Malaysia no Gold Class screening one.
u be the first to have a strike to get it ok ? :)
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huh.. nice :)
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