I'm one happy shiny girl!
Call me a girl's girl, but there's nothing "funner" than hanging out with the girls, shopping, chilling and just having a helluva time. Right? Those who know what I mean, it's just like a day out with the girls detoxes the week. The work stress, the "boy" stress and... ahhh.. the retail therapy. :) Nothing beats it.

So weekly, and as always, last week we did YOGA together. Everyone know's I'm for sure not the fittest one around. The last time I broke sweat from exercising was when I had to pay my dues for 2.4KM run in JC. Yes.. and you know that was some time ago.
So challenged to keep fit this week, Weisan and I decided to join the rest for HOT YOGA. If you don't already know, basically, they put u in this 38degrees "oven" and u practice balances, poses, and stretches under the guidance of the instructor. Previous, I heard it was S L O W moving so, hell, why not right? I'd be breaking into a sweat without even moving much... or so I thought.

By the first 15 minutes in the "oven", I was so tired and achey all over I thought I was going to collapse in exhaution. But then again, that's only me. I'm so out of it. But hey, gimme a pair of high heels and allow me to roam town for a whole day, you wouldn't even hear me complain. :) Fitness -- it's just relative *wink*
Moving on, if any girls wanna join us for hot yoga, drop me a note. We try to do Sat mornings 11AM. It's not that bad, if fact, being the masochist that I am, I might even sign up for the package, much to the horror or my parents, who think yoga is about meditating. It isn't!

So weekly, and as always, last week we did YOGA together. Everyone know's I'm for sure not the fittest one around. The last time I broke sweat from exercising was when I had to pay my dues for 2.4KM run in JC. Yes.. and you know that was some time ago.
So challenged to keep fit this week, Weisan and I decided to join the rest for HOT YOGA. If you don't already know, basically, they put u in this 38degrees "oven" and u practice balances, poses, and stretches under the guidance of the instructor. Previous, I heard it was S L O W moving so, hell, why not right? I'd be breaking into a sweat without even moving much... or so I thought.

By the first 15 minutes in the "oven", I was so tired and achey all over I thought I was going to collapse in exhaution. But then again, that's only me. I'm so out of it. But hey, gimme a pair of high heels and allow me to roam town for a whole day, you wouldn't even hear me complain. :) Fitness -- it's just relative *wink*
Moving on, if any girls wanna join us for hot yoga, drop me a note. We try to do Sat mornings 11AM. It's not that bad, if fact, being the masochist that I am, I might even sign up for the package, much to the horror or my parents, who think yoga is about meditating. It isn't!
Moving on... I'm bubbling and joy!
I was super, happy to receive some christmas presents from very special people! Who doesn't love presents rite??? :)
I NEVER wait until Christmas to open my presents lorrr!
1) Marc Jacobs Timepiece-Necklace!

2) Marc Jacobs Handbag!

3) Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Cream

4) New MakeUp Pouch!

5) Chanel P!NK Earrings!

6) Travel Bag
(which I don't have pics of, it's in the car -- I'm using it to store my gym clothes!)
7) HP sent me a personalised Calendar which I ADORE!!!! Thx Angela! :)

I haven't get the HP Organizer from the admin. Damn.
good luck in getting it. ) hee hee
A Merry Christmas to you! Have a Great Christmas Party which I'm sure you'd definitely will
You guys look fun. Anyway, the quality of the photos are rather bad. Which handphone are you using? :)
those stuffs are cute so are you!
You are so cute, I wish to take u as my 2nd wife
Wishing you and your families a very happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
I am looking forward to a challenging but exciting 2009, when I will be encouraging us all to do whatever we can to support each other, in all that we do across the World. In this regard, I would welcome your individual thoughts early in the New Year, on how we can best support each other moving forward and what changes you would like to see, in order to facilitate that improvement.
Warmest regards and a big thank you to everyone for your efforts in 2008.
hyoerx: I use samsung omnia. but thats cuz i set to low res.. ")
edison: second wife??? wah... then shall be my 3rd husband... muahaha
simon: hang in there, maybe ull get it next yr? :)
when we are young and beautiful, everyone tries to win our hearts and...soul - this becareful ;)
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