Party, Panties, People and such...

After a blogging "sabbatical", I'm finally back to Sunny Singapore with a renewed interest in updating this online real estate of mine. As the title says, I promise party, panties and people pics... and no it's not what it sounds like... but then again, yes it is .... I sure hope I've piqued your interest..


I flew back from Bangkok in time for Dawnie's birthday. I know once a year she turns from good girl into alkie kid... I don't have all the pictures with me now but this was the day before her bday bash at Butter Factory when we girls headed out to Marrakash (is that how you spell it?) at Clarke quay to have a couple of drinks...

Amy had joined us earlier, but had to leave for the Pump Room with another friend -- we didn't want to go... we wanted to try our hand at SHISHA!!! Apple flavour!! I loved it!!!

Yvie orders some drink - I forget the name now- but it damn
damn FUGLY!

It looked like some COKE concoction, all black and fizzy like spiced diarrhoea... but I must say that it tasted the BEST! (although it sure looked like shit)

I had the green fizzy god-knows-what-is-name-is special and it was okay but I drank a sip and passed it on to QUEEN of ALL ALKIES, Cyn... It's funny, people have this profound reaction when I say I don't club or drink. Yvie thought I was kidding when I told her I get

drunk on Jolly Shandy..

But truth be told.. I do get drunk on any drink... I"M A LOSER!

Cyn here, with her drink... and she later downs mine. She's such a pretty chick... pure chinese, but tanned and HAWT!

Earlier on, we had gone shopping together and I was at Topshop where I saw these tiny baby skirts. I was trying think think up a cousin to buy this for because they were so freaking cute I was going to die, I swear. The skirts were so miniature I could wer them on my thumb and pull it off as being thumb rings..

Thanks to Amy, she knocked me out of my #$%^&*() senses that I cannot just randomly make up a female cousin just for the sake of fulfilling my random desires of buying a skirt (which would cost me a day's pay)... I ended up buying some silver tote, which I ADORE!!!



I was pulling up some pictures from my Melbourne trip recently and saw some very queer ones...

These chairs are wrapped with panties, just to decorate and beautify them...


I'm all for exhibitionism in private, but not when they freaking wrap (un)used panties all over chairs.. the mall was crowded, but none of these seats were taken.. and we wonder why...

Also, these stairs amused me... They are pretty actually, but I was so bedazzled by the stairs I swear I almost fell off...


When the economy isn't doing well, people sure as hell become creative and start little slogans like " EXPENDITURE WILL HELP THE ECONOMY"...

This was taken from a little jap shop I saw in the heart of Melbourne city over the holidays of December...

Wonder what slogan will be next..


On a lighter note, I have many many pictures to post on new places of pig outs... yummmmmy... I recently went with Stanley and Ming for teppanyaki at this little nice jap restaurant in River View Hotel...
Of course we had buffet la.. what else.. we are afterall, PIGMANS... (combination of pigs and humans)
The boys looking sexy all BIBBED UP...

I have another shot of stanley... clearer here perhaps,, another one of my many eligible bachelor friends....
(girls apply if you want... )

Don't know what sauces tey gave but they sure were goood...

And of course what's jap food without... SASHIMI!!!!!! AND ROLLS!!!

Terriyaki chicken and unagi!!!

Pan fried cod with prawn mayo.. my absolute favourite!!!

The guy who was cooking for us.. who seemed irked off with me for my constant photo whoring... what the hell, I don't care, really... for a moment almost, we were having a stare fight.. (which FYI, I lost because I was too hungry and could not keep my eyes away from food glorious food!)

Anyways so much for food, I also managed to pull out some pics from my last day in melbourne, when i went to meet a long time friend, APRIL, with Yvie and Dawnie...

Us before meeting Yvie and April...

Ahhhh... now I have to have to have to detract back to good old food. That night I had the most wonderful dinner at this Shark's Fin house in Chinatown, Melbourne. Jingyi, a friend from JC whom I have been constantly keeping in touch with, had invited me to join him and hi parents for his graduation meal. (Free meal, good food, how to reject even if I'm fat?)

Supposedly, this is the best chinese reataurant in Melbourne which as you will see, explains why we had such good food..

I chose a live trout, I swear it was jumping and flipping right in front of me, with eyes begging for me not to eat it. Tempted as I was, I succumbed and WTH, decided to go in for this kill. Wah so freah, confirm super sweet man... And so it was... (I would love to show pics of the trout cooked, but I'm deciding not to since they came out all wrong due to me not knowing how to use my photcam, the exposure was all funky and lighting all screwy)

As Dawn would put it..


We would be fools to not have ordered fresh, live lobster... muahahahah!!! *evil laugh echoes*

Which was squirming right in front of my very sinful eyes and pool of saliva...

Very soon, it turned into this...


On a lighter note, I leave you with this very cute contraction on how you open a tube of fermented fresh papaya... I swear the tube says that... fermented and fresh.. OXYMORON.

But basically this is an ointment that helps chaffed and chapped skin...

Step 1: Fit Triangle on cap on triangle seal

Step 2: TWIST

Step 3: OPENED ... TAADAAA!!

I know I'm making a damn big deal out of this stupid shit thing, but then again, in Singapore, we have those mopiko ones that have thi sharp tip to poke the foil in on the nozzle and i thought this was pretty different, and interesting... BLAH.. now that Im blogging about it, it seems so trivial and retarded, but I'm not going to delete it -- wasted so much of my precious time taking pics and uploading... ARGH...

OK, this that's enough for today... I'll see you all soooooon! Wooooot! XOXOXO!!!


Nurul Farhah said...

very long and cool post. I like it! (:

eStee said...

thx... i like it tooo.. hahaha

xniquet said...

eh..anyone told you, you look like lucy liu?

Anonymous said...

Oooh I tried apple shisha just a few days ago. I couldn't take it haha I felt like my lungs were dying.

I beat you at loserness!

eStee said...

x: yup many people have said that.. haha i duuno if thats a compliment though.. i do think she's hot, but some say she's uggllyy :(

skyler: how can u NOT like shishaaa!!

xniquet said...

compliment ler, how can O-ren-ishi or one of the charlie's angel be ugly ...

i totally dig her :P

eStee said...

x: i dig her toooo!! :)