Yes, this is my third -exam-related-studying post, where you get tips about studying and my revelation about exams... I have a paper later at 230PM but as you can see, I can't keep my hands off the PC or blogging.
I just tell myself that if I wasn't blogging, I'd be watching tv (which IS true...)
You see, the problem lies in the fact that...
It's not that I don't like studying, but It's just I wish I was studying something different...
...like say, SHOPPING1101 or MEN1101?
...like say, SHOPPING1101 or MEN1101?
OK... back to the books...
Sorry, understanding MEN is a level 4 module. However, understanding WOMEN is a ph.d research topic.
understanding men i think is pretty simple. They got 2 head, one they use to think with, one think they think they use... well u go figure..
Women, on the other hand, is as controvercial as the missing link, so it takes several light years to even start... :)
I ALSO want to study SHOPPING1101 or MEN1101!!! Would definitely help me increase my IQ :p
Men is lvl 4 examinable subject. Understanding Women is a ph.d topic. Can write paper, but practical results aint important.
Actually it is times like this that makes you wonder about the purpose of our education. Like why am I learning all this engineering theory and such.
At the end of the day, does it really matter whether I know how all the little details of my major
adrian: bottom line, we dont like studying ya?
hey babe.. its me, val :p
took PA exam today with you.. sat behind u? :)
Haha men 1101.. shopping 1101 more appealing to me !
other modules i love are like.. makeup 1101 and advanced make up 2201 :D
hang in there babe! 5th year will soon be over.. bleh:p
cheers and God bless,
hello val!!! im suffering!!!
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