Hot tip 1: Never reach too early for exams.
The chao muggers will always be lined and smished on the floor outsude the exam room, as if you get extra point for going early and if you don't "chope" your seats, you'll have to sit on the floor..
Confirm if you reach early, the chao muggers will be there and it sure will make you more nervous. You see them clutching their thick wads on notes (aka gold bars.. my precious) and flipping anxiously though it. I don't know if it's only me... but before exams I always have nothing in may hands other than my bag and pens... to me its no use trying to read things last minute cuz you'll never remember.
I coined the term FRENEMIES for these people. Well, you see, on normal days they are you best friends right, but come exams, you fight with them for the top scores and you prevent those muggers from skewing the normal distribution...
Damn these frenemies... don't you love to hate them? (of course after exams buddy buddy again la)
Hot Tip 2: Girls especially, ALWAYS freaking pee before exams can?
Wah, it's super uber irritating to have to wait 3 years to empty your bladder. I always get feel the need to pee before exams because it just the nerves that get to me. But before leaving the house I ALWAYS pee can?
Why you want to queue for the toilet 5 mins before exams? Not like the toilet auntie giving you free Hello Kitty rite? Not like you queuing for Great Singapore Sale or Mango 70% discount sales leh.. If so, I join the queue too and go the night before to "chope" place can?
but for toilet... I just think its not worth it... BAH!!

* Disclaimer: No offense to chao muggers reading this, I meant no harm, all said in jest...
Also, no lady's bladder was injured during this photoshoot...
hahaha...we have designated seating for our exams at my uni but i agree with you about pple who study before exams...it doesn't work for me. Just freaks me out. and the peeing thing? you never need to go until you're in the exam hall and suddenly the dying urge appears during reading time but you gotta hold on for the whole exam duration...
good luck for tomorrow.
love ya!
Yah man... sucks!! I always want to pee b4 exams..
In NUS we have allocated seats too but s'poreans are KS!!!
Hahahahaha frenemies. Very cute :P
skyler: ur no frenemy.. ur FRIEND!!!
Yah because we never have to take exams together <3
But ill be sure to kill u and stab u with my stilettos if we take exams together... :) hee kidding la
So you coming on 20th still rite?
well this is bizzare, i usually dont study till the last minute.. and that is... for my entire life in poly (not sure about uni tho) i never bought lecture notes nor books. all i did was to borrow my friend's stuff and read them up just before the exams and you know what? i passed. yeah. basically putting yourself under stress for that few minutes actually helps, maybe...
Justin: I also NEVER buy textbooks, so freaking expensive.. if your frens kind enough to lend u their long drawn out notes, lucky you...
Seriously without WIKIPEDIA, i sure fail.. 90% of the time, I find myself studying out of wiki ;)
I'll sit on you before you get to do that.
Yes I aammmm are you excited cause I am! :)
Skyler: OK ill keep me free just for u!!! wooot!
I disagree with point 1. I personally make it a point to be at the exam hall at least 1 hour before the paper. That way I can just chill out.
I'd rather sleep in...
hey. came across from kenny's. frenemy existed long ago, i remember reading about it in papers/ magazines a few years back. and as for exams... couldn't agree more about kiasu ppl. the kind i hate most? those who discuss at the top of their voices and go on and on about "aiyo i haven't finished studying this this that that lar..." when everyone knows that they've at least gone thru all their notes thrice.
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