Outside LT10, in the Arts fac (AS1), near the Deck.... ther are police crowding round the toilet. Well, maybe not police, but men in uniform. Like security guards of some sort. Supposedly, there are investigators-look-alikes taking pictures and such and they are using code words to speak.
I asked what's wrong, and no one seems to want to tell me what it is. The guy in plain clothes, told me "nothing much..."...
But I BET something is happening. I think could be possible case of vandalism, like burning some shit. Or something.
Anyone near by pls come check it out and let me know. It's in the MALE's toilet so I'm not allowed to enter. I hope they don't cordon off this area!!!!
I'll update when I find out.

Update: Managed to sneak a pic really quick!!! Don't have time to turn it ard...
Update2: Managed to sneak another pic

Now I'm serious... what's happening???? Police, camera men... etc!!!
Update3: haha everyone still here, talking about the report, interviewing and taking statement of some old lady cleaner.... Off the records one of the police man is super hot.... haha...
Anyways, they talking about... damn i straining my ears but they talking softly....
Update4: I think it could be some sort of morbid vandalism, cuz I hear the word "graffitti"... but I could be wrong... anyway the toilet is going to be cleaned up and reopened, but might take some time.... The investigators are thanking each other now and the police men are leaving...
UPDATE5: I kinda know what's happening now, but will decide when it's safe to blog about it...
UPDATE6: OK, yeap I know what happened. MIGHT BE SENSITIVE TO BLOG ABOUT IT HERE. Email me if you are interested I guess.. I might post more pics when coast is clear...
UPDATE7: Ok I've left the area since everyone has cleared the scene and I've got class... Will talk more about this tonight.
**disclaimer: Don't anyone quote me out of context or anything ah... for all you know, I might be misinformed and don't know anything.. or even dreaming... I just blogging what I see, don't trust anything I say.... I don't want to get into any shit for this...
hey sweety tell me about it,email me yongwei92 at gmail.com i wanna kaypoh!
Reporters do not email me PLS.
"...like burning some shit..."
LOL... this sounds funny... burning shit in the toilet..hahaha...
But seriously, what happened? hope no one is injured.
Refresh my site to see what really happened...
Can you delete that comment please? (though I know it's probably futile, given the nature of the Internet)
As I said in the email, I'd prefer to keep this e-mail only.
Just because I asked not to post this on blogs does not mean it should be posted on forums. I appreciate the thought, but there're reasons why I rather keep in out of the public domain.
Hi estee.. Can I KPO too? My email is xiaoweini.lim@hotmail.com
xiaowei... I updated already! Refresh the whole blog!
hey could you tell me what happened? quite intereseted in it.
Walao since when NUS became so happening?? ONLY AFTER I GRADUATE! :( Please tell me whats up.. drop me a note at stawbewwy@gmail.com Thanks babe! :)
NUS = happening?
U sure anot? its an Chinese embassy le
if gt things happening chinese troops come in and muffle anything and everything ok
Hi Guys: refresh the blog to the main page.. I've updated and posted more pics!
hey, i'm interested to know.
email me pls!
my guess:
graffiti with personally identifying information and of a deeply embarrassing nature, perhaps with an element of truth.
can u email me too please?thanks :)
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